Chapter 11 ; Forgiveness and Work

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The deafening rip filled my ears, the picture slowly tearing in half, separating me and my brother. I felt the tears run down my cheeks as Ashley looked up at me with a horrified look on his face, just realizing what he had just done.

"Hey, hey I didn't mean that!" he called out while scrambling off the floor.

"Just leave me alone," I shot back at him and walked back to the bunks. I whipped the curtain shut and lay down on the bunk Andy had set me in and curled up under the lumpy blanket, just staying still and breathing.

"No don't! Just let her be, she doesn't want to be bothered right now." I heard Clementine warn them, "Just start to head home and she'll come out when she's ready."

That couldn't have been anymore true. I didn't want to see anyone, especially Ashley. Why did he have to keep on pushing? I sighed and closed my eyes, clearing my mind. I remember my little brother, imagining his face, his freckles, for God's sake I remember his small tooth gap he was always self consious about. I wish he was still here, I thought. I felt my eyelids become heavy as the thought of him lulled me to sleep.

*Clementine's POV*

I sat in the booth, the area closest to the curtain, and I didn't hear anything. She must have fallen asleep. I sighed and looked at Ashley, who hasn't spoken since she went back to the bunks. Jake was driving along the highway, heading back to my house. I sighed and spoke, "Ashley, do you know why that picture is important?"

He put the two peices of the picture together. "I, uh, no." He hung his head.

I walked over to the couch and sat down by him, everyone turning around to listen. I pointed to her little brother, "You know who that is?" I asked him.

"I'm pretty sure he's related to Emily," he said, running his fingers through his hair.

"That used to be her little brother, his name was Ty, short for Tyler." I said quietly.

"That sweet," CC cooed.

"What do you mean by 'used'?" Ashley asked.

"This," I held up the two halves, "was the last picture he took with his family." I said with a quiet voice, not looking at anyone. "And that was the last copy."

"Oh," Ashley said sadly, hanging his head. I could tell he felt aweful about what he had done.

"Why didn't she want us to know?" Andy spoke up.

I looked him in the eye. "Because Emily hates to be pitied. It makes her feel weak and like an attention whore. That's why she hides it, so that no one has to deal with what she does." I paused, "Please don't treat her any different because you know about this," I begged.

He looked at me, hurt in his eyes. I could tell that this was hurting him. "I won't." he said firmly. "Can I see the picture?" he asked.

"I guess," I said and handed him the two halves. He took them and set them on the table and assembled them so the white rip didn't show, took a picture with his phone, and then handed it back to me.

"Hey we're here!" Jake called back to us. I looked out the window and sure enough, I saw my house. I sighed sadly and turned to the guys, who shared the same expression I did. "You all have our numbers, we can talk everyday until we see each other again."

"Yeah, I guess," CC said while getting up, "but I can't hug you through a phone!" He said while hugging me from behind and tickling my sides, making me squeel with laughter.

The curtain opened and Emily walked out with our bags in hand. She grabbed her pillow case carefully put the picture inside. She sighed and looked up with sad eyes. "Hugs?"

Everyone, including me, moshed into one giant group hug, no one wanted to let go. But eventually we did, and Emily got off the bus with me following. We stood on the sidewalk and watched the bus drive away, and it felt like a part of me was leaving as well.


* Emily's POV *

We went inside and went to Clementine's bedroom, unpacking our things. "Music?" I asked.

"Ye!" she hopped over to her CD player and put in Don't Panic by All Time Low.

I spilled out the contents of my pillow case on to the floor. It wasn't much at all. There were two pairs of skinny jeans, two pairs of shoes, my bracelets, my charger, and the ripped picture of my family. I couldn't live off this small amount of clothes, and I didn't have the spending money to get what I needed. Frustrated, I flopped onto the carpet and moaned.

Clementine's door flew open and Julie threw a paper on to the floor. "Sunday paper if anyone wants it," and she left.

I sat up and grabbed the paper and began to skim it, in hopes that I would find a solution to my impossible problems. Then I found an ad for a local music store to find someone to work part time. Looks like I had found myself a job. The place was only a mile away, I could easily walk there and back. "I think I found myself a job," I said confidantly.


1 week later.

I was walking to work while replying to a picture of a kitten CC had sent me. All of the band members have been talking to me except for Ashley and Andy. Ashley I could understand, but why wasn't Andy?

At that moment, I got a call from him. I hesitantly hit answer and pulled it up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Oh hey Emi. What's up?" he said.

"I'm actually walking to work right now, I got a job at a local music store." I responded.

"Why'd you need to get a job?" he asked.

"I kind of can't live off of two outfits for the rest of my life."

"That sucks. When are you free? You know, to hang out? We have a week long break from tour and wouldn't mind heading to Michigan."

"I'm free tommorrow, Tuesday sound good?" I asked.

"Sounds good! See you then," and he hung up.

I continued to walk as a smile played it's way onto my face. I wonder what that man has planned...

A/N : Woooo! Another chapter within the same week. I know it's shorter than others but it's better than nothing. I felt like I owed you guys something from not updating in a month so here you go :3 hope you guys like it! ~ Rebecca

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