Chapter 9 ; Attempts and Tears

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A/N: Woah O.O Last time I updated this book, it had around 500 reads. Now it has over 900! I appriciate all feedback I'm getting. Anyways, it's been to long since I've updated so here it it :{D

I feel a hand gently come apon my sholder and shake my body carefully. I stubbornly refuse to respond and keep my eyes shut, no one can get me out of this bed. Or bunk, in this case.

"Hey Emi, wake up," Andy whispers to me.

Maybe I'll make an acception. I roll over slowly and slugishly and peel my eyes open to see Andy only a few inches away from my face, which was illuminated by passing street lights that peaked in from the windows. I sit up and look around his body to see everyone piled up in their bunks, snores, dangling arms and all. Even Clementine got her own bunk somehow. Doesn't really add up with the number of people we have.

I drowsily rub my eyes and swing my legs over the side of the bunk, careful not to let Jake get a facefull of heel. "What's up?" I yawned.

Andy jerked his head into the sitting area, away from the sleeping bunch of tattoed weirdos. I hopped of the bunk and pulled the curtain shut behind be quietly.

I plopped my body onto the couch and waited for him to talk.

"Okay, just listen to me for a sec, and don't get mad at me, alright?" he said in a small voice.

I nodded and looked at him to continue.

"Well, after you told me about your dad and you loosing your stuff, I figured we could go get some of it tonight. I know it's a crazy and risky idea, but I think it's worth it to grab some stuff." he paused to take a breath and looked at me with big, concerned eyes. "What do you think?"

I stiffled a sigh and spoke. "I suppose it's okay, I'm just worried about my dad.... I don't want to get caught."

He sat down beside me and gave me a side hug, rubbing my back gently. "Even if we do get caught, I won't let him lay a finger on you." He smiled at me.

I could feel my body calm down as I melted into his embrace. "I hope so..."

The bus slowed down to a stop infront of a trailer with an old beat up car from 2004 parked beside, paint peeling on the side and the front porch littered with cigarrette buds and a scrawny fold chair. The film in the front of the door was torn, and the whole place had a certain stench to it. But for our luck, all the lights were out and a certain truck was missing.

I sighed in relief and opened the door to the bus. "You ready?"

"Yeah. I'll wait outside your window and you throw out your stuff, okay?"


I tiptoed off the steps of the bus and across the muddy pathway to the dingy trailer and creeked the door open slowly. I head down the dark hallway with light steps and hushed breaths. I open my door to find my bedroom just the way I left it, completely untouched.

I grab a pillow and take it out of the case, begginging to replace it with my charger, some pictures, my files ( birth certificate, dipoma, and passport ), and manage to squeeze in some pants and a pair of brown boots.

The pillow was 3/4th full when I let out a sigh in relief. I got onto my hands and knees to look under my bed for other important things, when I heard a very angry breath behind me.

Before I knew it, all of my hair had been grasped into an angry fist that belonged to my father. I feel a slight yank before I'm lifted off of the floor completely, my hair practically being ripped out of my head. I start to kick and scream my head off hysterically, panicking for help. I helplesly dangle in the air, when I open my eyes I see the face of my father, veins popping off the face of his forehead and his eyes angry with hate. I let tears escape my eyes before I let out all of my energy out into one word.

"ANDY!" I scream at the top of my lungs like I was crying out for my life.

I feel hands clutch around my neck and get tighter by the second. My lungs begin to hurt as I attempt to gulp air. "Help...." I choke out.

"You....little.....peice of shit!" He whispers in rage, spit flying out of with mouth with every word.

Everything begins to get fuzzy and dark and dizzy, my chest burning with pain and longing for air. I've given up..... Andy wasn't here.... and he broke his promise.....

'"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF HER!" He shouts, his voice bouncing off the walls and making my dad jump.

Andy's fist collided with his face with a great force, knocking him to the floor and loosening his iron grip on my throat. Andy quickly grabs the pillow case and the pillow and picks me up bridal style. He turned to my dad who lay on the floor with blood coming out of his broken nose.

"Don't you ever touch her again," he said to him with hate dripping off of his words.

He ran out of the trailer and onto the bus with Ashley in the drivers seat on his phone.

"Hit it!" Andy yelled as he ran on the bus and shut the door.

He fumbled his phone and started up the bus, pressing the gas and getting the hell out of there.

Andy and I plopped onto the couch and catch our breath, relief that it's done and over with. My chest still burned from almost dying of lack of oxygen, and my neck hurt like hell. I let a tear of pain leak out of my eye as I snuggle into Andy and sob silently.

He put his hand on my back and brought me closer, hugging me tight and rubbing my back. "Shhh....." he cooed quietly, "It's gonna be okay, he can't hurt you anymore."

I cried softly into his shirt as I fall asleep in his lap. I felt my lips curl into a soft smile before I closed my eyes once again.

A/N: Awweeee ;-; Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. I know it's kind of short but I have a few plans for the next one ;) Please follow, vote, and COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT. Byees!

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