Chapter 7 ; Preperations

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I had showered and got rid of the aweful smell lingering around me, which I hope no one had noticed. I threw my hair up in a sloppy bun and raided Clementine's closet for some clothes to wear, until I find a way to get everything back. I don't mind living here, but I am in no way comfortable taking someone else's clothes. But it is better than going butt naked.

I was scrolling though my instagram feed when the front door squeeked open, and rather loudly. "I'm here!" Clementine's voice rang though the house.

She practically shook the whole house running to her bedroom where I lay, completely bored out of my mind. "Heeeeeyyyy...." she weezed out as she threw her backpack next to where I was.

"Heoo," I blankley say.

"What's up?" she said, kicking off her converse.

"What place is super fun, requires a swim suit, and comfortable walking shoes that is in this area?"

This seemed to stump her as well. "I don't know, why?"

I smirk and look away. "Oh, you know. Just the Black Veil Brides asking us to hang out all day tomorrow..."

I looked back at her to see her mouth hanging open and her eyes widened. It was priceless, I couldn't help but to snicker.


"You heard me," I grin.

Fangirl mode activated.

She squeeled loud enough to shatter glass and starting jumping. I joined in and flailed my arms around. "Omefuckinggerd! How?" Is all she could muster out.

"Andy, kinda left his number in the hoodie he gave me. I called and said he'd be here to pick us up tomorrow at 9 in the morning." I blushed.

Clementine rushed and tackled me on the bed, crushing my bones. "YAY-OMG IM DYING!"

"I may or may not have to be alive to go tomorrow." I laughed out. "I know it's kinda early for a date thingy, but I imagine it's an all day thing. We should pack but..."

Clementine caught on real quick and realized what I was saying. "You can borrow some of my stuff, of course. What are you gonna do, go on a date with a band naked?" She joked.

"Temping, but I don't want to blind anyone with my ugliness." I joked back.

"BUT YOU IS SO BOOTIFUL!" She half screamed.

"Sure," I said as I stuck my toung out.

We packed up some converse, money, sunglasses, and swim suits into some bags Clem had lying around. I wasn't really comfortable in a 2 peice, so she let me wear the only 1 peice she had.

Tomorrow was supposed to be up near 80 degrees tomorrow for some reason, which is odd for September. But what can you expect in Michigan. I went to bed early, plugging in my earbuds. I started to play "Tomorrow" by Set It Off in my ears somewhat quietly as I drifted off to sleep.


Clementine shoke me awake from my dreamless slumber, very harshly.

"Wake up you butt!" She whisper screamed.

"Make me!" I whisper screamed back and flopped over.

It was very quiet for a few seconds until a giant black pillow collieded with my face. I snatched it and threw it very hard at my attacker. I sat up as a loud thump shook the bedroom. "How's it going down there?" I say with a devilish grin plastered on my face.

Her annoyed face stares up at me from the floor and blankley says, "It's already 8 in the morning."


I run out of bed and stumble to her closet and whip it open. I look around in it panically. Clementine is cracking up in the background as she stands up. "I already layed out some stuff for us to wear today, you num. Instead of thanking me. you smack me off my bed with a fucking pillow."

"Then don't hit me first," I sassed and walked over to where she layed out the clothes. She took one pile, which I assumed was for her and walked into the bathroom to change.

I looked at the pile layed out for me. A very loose fitting black tank that said "Normal people scare me", and a tight grey one to go underneith it, then light denim ripped shorts. And not the short short ones that scream "I'm a slut, look at my butt". ( Yay, ryming! )

I slipped them on and put on my black converse to go with. The bathroom door opened, meaning I was welcome in.

I walked in and Clementine was wearing a falling in reverse tank with dark denim shorts and her converse. A bunch of make up littered the counter, Clem had her eyeliner in hand.

"No!" I yelled and smacked it out of her hand.

She looks at me and pouts. "Why?"

I roll my eyes. "Swimming wipes away makeup. Wear minimal makeup, unless you want to look either fake or like bloody mary."

"Ohhhh...." she looks over the make up on the counter before her.

I brushed out my hair and threw it up into a neater bun, and put on a little mascara and called it good. Clemy did the same thing as me and left her hair down naturally. As we were throwing our sacks over our shoulders, the doorbell rang.

We froze and looked at eachother with wide eyes when her mom shouted down the hall for us."Emily, someone is here for you!"

I squeed and Clementine did an akward fangirl thing. We made our way down the hall with idiotic grins stuck on our faces when we saw Jinxx in the doorway. He saw us and gave me a smile.

"So, ready to go?" he piped up and pointed at the bus on the curb.

"Yeah," I said nonchalantly and Clem shook her head like a bobble head.

"Then let's go!" he said and started to walk to the bus. We followed him and stepped on.

"PERSON!" CC tackled me to the ground and hugged me.

"Get off me!" I laughed.

"Fine," he surrendered and got up, and saw Clementine behind me.

His eyes almost seemed to light up, and he froze for a second. Then he snapped out of it. "Another person!" he cheered and hugged her too, but picked her up instead.

"Oh god!" she laughed out as he set her back down.

"Hey," Jake called to us from the booth and waved at us.

"Woop, more chicks!" Ashley said and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Really dude?" Jinxx punched his shoulder.

"Ow, just kidding!" he whined.

I laughed and sat down on the couch, and Clementine sat beside me. Jinxx shut the door and went to the driver's seat to start the bus. "Ready to go?" he called to the rest of the bus.

A chourus of yeah's filled the bus, and then we started on our way.

"Question is, where are we going exactly?" I piped up.

"Suprise," Andy said as he walked out of the bunk area.

I started to mess around with him and pout. "Can I at least have a clue?"

He tapped his chin, "Sorry," he shrugged, "I can't tell. One clue will tell you the awnser." he grinned at my frustration.

"That's not really fair," Clementine said.

"Oh, of course it's not fair. That's the point." Ashley said.

"I'll give one clue," CC said and sat next to Clem, "It's only 30 minuests away."

Andy glared at CC, who shrugged in reply.

"Yeah, that helps." I said sarcastically.

Everyone started to talk and do their own thing as I looked out the window, trying to guess where we were heading.

A/N: Hello! And Happy Valentine's Day! Sorry for not uploading this last night, I don't even have an excuse for not finishing it. I cut this one in half otherwise it would have been way to long. But I'll start working on the next as soon as this is up! Please vote and comment, maybe follow? <3

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