18|Many Idiots & One Braincell

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18|Many Idiots & OneBraincell⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

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18|Many Idiots & One
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"These boxes have clothes, those food and those some toys," Louisa said, pointing at the various boxes in the room. A secretary quickly noted the information down, a smile on xyr lips. "Alright.....thank you Miss. Udonta-Quill."

Louisa scoffed. "That makes me sound old, just say Louisa."

"Okay then, Louisa." The assistant extended xyr hand and Louisa took it. "I'm Ilkay."

Many children had been orphaned due to the snap. The universe was in utter chaos, governments had fallen and so had existing orphanages. There wasn't much of a future for those kids. That was until Natasha stepped in. She worked hard and opened multiple orphanages around Earth.

The Black Widow Houses, they were called.

The houses were funded by both the Avengers, donators and governments.

Ilkay was someone who worked at the West Virginia Black Widow House. Louisa was dropping off some products, she had taken care of a mob in the area, so decided to take the products with her.

"Good to know. Now, I have to go, got some Avengers to babysit." Louisa pulled back her hand and looked around one last time. "Alright then, goodbye Louisa. Hopefully I'll see you around again," Ilkay mused, small smile on xyr face. Louisa's eyebrows knitted together and she turned to walk away. "Bye."

"Have you ever studied quantum physics?" A male voice sounded. Louisa, deciding that the conversation was interesting enough for her to jump in.

"Why are we talking about quantum physics?" Louisa asked, strutting into the room with a Starbucks in hand. "Hi, Louisa. This is Scott Lang, Scott this is Louisa Udonta-Quill." Steve gestured at the unknown male —Scott— and Louisa. "Okay, scrawny white guy has a name, my question still stands, why quantum physics?"

Scott licked his lips nervously. "Because it might be the answer to all of our problems."

"How is quantum physics going to make my stomach ache disappear?"

Natasha sighted and shook her head. "I only studied enough to make conversation," She interjected. Scott breathed out disappointed as Louisa tilted her head. "Why to make conversation? Did you kill a scientist?"

Scott wisely decided to ignore her and thus launched into his explanation. "Alright. So...five years ago, right before Thanos, I was in a place called the Quantum Realm. The Quantum Realm is like its own microscopic universe. To get in there, you have to be incredibly small. Hope, she's my...She was my..." Scott trailed off, unsure of what to say. His heartbeat racing. "She was supposed to pull me out. And then Thanos happened, and I got stuck in there."

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