Demons are Better Shinigamis are Lesser

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It's a beautiful night. The air is cold and the smell of death is everywhere. Aaaah, what a good time to go see my beloved Bessy! I finished all my work, so I think I have just enough time.

I jump rooftop to rooftop, going as fast as I can to get to my beloved Bessy. And soon the Phantomhive Manor comes into sight. My heart rate speeds up just thinking about him. I think I'll use the deal that I have with the Earl. Today is the day I get to use the deal i have with my Bessy. Yes! I'm so happy!

Not caring on how the Earl, or Sebastian, would react I fly into the young Earls work room.

"I'M HERE!" I shout as a land right behind the Earl, startling him. I smirk at his reaction. Slowly, he turns around in his chair, " What do you want Grell?" The Earl says with very prominent venom in his voice.

"Well, of course I'm here to claim my prize you promised." Sebastian walks in the big doors to the room haveing a stance that seems to be ready to fight. But then relaxes as he sees me.

"Why you here Shinigami?"

"Fine, Grell, I did promise and it has been a while since we made the deal. Sebastian, I order you to do whatever Grell wants you to do for a day, with no complaints." I could see a glint of laughter in the Earls eyes as he said this.


I run over to Sebastian, and give him in a tight embrace. I look up at his face and give him a sharp tooth smile. He looks down in disgust. This hurts a little bit, but I will not show that, he is mine and nothing can ruin it! I just continue to smile like an idiot. What he doesn't know don't hurt him.

Sebastian sighs in defeat, "As you wish master."

"Come on Bessie, let's go have a dinner in the moonlight!" I begin to drag Sebastian out of the office, he slightly resists, but follows as I turn around and smile at him. This is going to be the best night ever!

(To the dinner we go!!!)

As a lie down on a soft, warm blanket, I look up at the sky. I was right the clear, starry, beautiful night. It was such a good idea to eat out here. I took my head to look at Bessy. He just sits there staring at me. Hm, I wonder what she's thinking about.

"Sebastian, are you ok?"

The only response I get is him standing up. He puts all the leftover food and dishes into the basket, then slowly walks over to the side of the blanket that I am at. he slowly bends down bringing his lips to my ear. His hot brath sent tingles down my spine.

"Let's just get this over with, but I'm going to make sure it I will enjoy it as much as possible." He picks me up bridal style, and he begins to run twords the manner of that Earl. In a minute we are in a room, in what I'm guessing is a servents courter on the far end of the house. Suddenly, the demon throws me onto a large bed, then swiftly pins me to the soft mattress.

"S-Sebastian..... w-what are you-" I was quickly cut of by a ruff kiss. I gasp, unwillingly letting Sebastian's tongue slip into my mouth. It slid across my sharp teeth, letting his blood trickle into my mouth. The taste so intoxicating, making me feel weak.

Sebastian begins to literally rip off my cloths, destroying my beautiful outfit leaving me only in my beautiful red boxers, but my anger was washed away by pleasure when he dragged his gloved hands across my bare chest. I let out a quiet moan. In my mind not really wanting to show weakness, but it is so hard not to. He trails his hand all the way from my chest to the bulge that protrudes from my boxers. His hand first grazed my member, but then his big warm muscular fingers squeeze it through the fabric.I let out a loud moan, but by the looks of it, Sebastian did not like that.

"Now now, we don't want to wake anyone one in the manner. Now do we?" His eyes glow the beautiful crimson red, then his grip on my member gets tighter. Almost to the point where it hurts.

I let out a small whimper from the pain, this just seemed to make him smile.
   Great! My love, loves to see me in pain! Dam it! I wanted nice sex! But no! Bessy did not want it that way! Hmf. So not fair!

With the other hand Sebastian began to take off my boxers, letting my member protrude out in the open. My face soon matches the red that is the color of my boxers that are suddenly on the floor. Sebastian grabs my member and begins to quickly move his hand up and down my shaft. With in a minute there is white hot liquid on the bed and Sebastian cloths. Sebastian smiles and licks some of the semen that fell on my stomach. His hot wet muscle gliding across my skin sent shivers up my spine. With this he flipped me over and began to take off his cloths one by one, almost to much torture for me.
   Once he got all of his top cloths off I stared in admiration. His toned core and chest where more then I ever could achieve. Then with a single movement Sebastian had plunged himself inside of me. Taking my hips in a firm grasp, ramming into me ruthlessly, but with all the force I am surprised my body did not shatter to pieces.

At first all I could feel was pain, but soon it turned to pleasure. His thrusts become the same pace that sent waves of pleasure throughout my body. His thrusts hard and murcyless,b ut within 5 minuets of the intense pleasure, I released again. This time I was warn out ant tired  feeling like I could pass out.

"Se- Sebastian. Ha.. h I don't think I can do this any more."

All I heard in response was a deep, husky chuckle. Then Sebastian came inside of me. But for some reason he just kept trusting like there was no end. Suddenly Sebastian hit right where he needed to. Right on my g spot. With every thrust now was eminence pain mixed with phenomenal pleasure. I came repetitively, with Sebastian only doing the same half the time. But soon, I finally fainted from exhaustion. Every so often I would wake up finding Sebastian still abusing my body.  But once when I woke up I heard one sentence from Sebastian, "It seems as though Demons are better, and you, Shinigami, are the lesser." Then the world went black again.

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