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(Sebastian's POV) (edited)

I walk slowly through the runes of the Trency manner. What tranquility it is to see the fall of such a horible, disgusting excuse for a butler. Him and his fowl spiders can never crall out of hell again, or did the demon sword do nothing but send him back to hell? Only time will tell me this. For now, I'll go back to my master.
When I turn to leave, just out of the corner of my eye, I see a small glint of something on the ground. I bend down where a small heap of stones are in a small clearing, to see a small strand of glistening thread. Spider thread to be exact. Dam. That stupid spider is some where here.

Suddenly without warning I am pined down to the ground, right in the middle of the rubble. I don't know how I did not hear that demon come at me. He had come out of nowhere, and silently flung me under his body. He moves himself so he is now inches from my face. Right now I just want to rip his face off. But, I would rather not have that trashy blood of his run down my cloths or onto my skin. I stare into his gold eyes, which have been starting into my crimson ones. I see a flash of pink show through his eyes. This lowly demon thinks he can take me, well he can think again.

"I have plans for you Michaels. And I think I will begin stage one. Submission. I am now the master, and stronger then you. Give up now and I will make it easier for you." His glasses slightly hang off his nose and his lips are formed into a smirk. The dam spider thinks I will give up? Ha. Who dose he think I am? I will make him pay for even thinking so lowly of me. I am the strongest and that will never change.

"That would never happen in your life span, Faustus." I say his name with all the spite and venom I have.

"We will have to see about that then, won't we?"

I feel his grip on my arms loosen as he moves his hands to take off his gloves. I take this chance to try and get up and attack the spider, but there was a strong bind of string holding my arms and legs to the ground. Dam it. He will pay for this.

The spider above me smirks, "Is there something wrong Michaelis? It seems as though you can't move. I think I will take advantage of this little situation." Now with his degloved hands he begins to take off my cloths, almost in a slow torturous way.

Once I had nothing left, he ran his hands down my body sending unwanted shivers down my spine. When he brought his hands back up to the top half of my body he only lead them to my chest.
  The spider, who thinks he is wining, leans down to my ear. "You now will serve me, and only me. Sebastian Michaels" His words are cocky, and full of self confidence. This thing on top of me thinks he is better. For him, his idea of his power is wrong.

Claude then brings his lips from my ear to the sensitive, pink flesh on my chest. With a small smirk he brings out his tongue amd drags the warm, wet muscle across the lump of pink skin on my chest. This act makes a wave of pleasure run throughout my body. For some reason this feeling I have felt so many times, feels different by him. I keep my face stock so the spider dose not know of what I am thinking. This was something I knew would anger him.

The smirk from his face fadded, and the plain look once again took over the spiders face.
  "You think that your so good you can withstand me. Teh, your wrong."
   Claude moved his face away from my chest and brought one hand down to my exposed member and grabed it with tightly. The pain and pleasure mixed was something I have not felt befor, it was bliss. Even enuph to make a moan catch in my throat, and it seemed that dam spider could tell.

"You like that don't you? maybe I should go farther. Then you will find out that I am your master now."
   Claude then begins to lightly move his hand up and down my shaft, with almost no pressure, and as the pleaser bilt so did the pain. He was trying to keep me from releasing. To let me beg him to let me go. That will not happen. I will make sure of it.

  I begin to strugle, trying to get out of the binds that keep me from killing the man that is on top of me. But for some reson they would not brake. Even with all my force I could not brake free. What the hell did he do? Dam it. I will get out of this before it can go any further.

I strugle almost like an animal caught in a trap. I will make it out no matter what. But suddenly I feel another bind go around my stomach, stoping me from moving any more. My movement stopped, and I reluctantly gave up.

"Hm, I though this would be easy, but you just made it a little bit more challenging. You will submit to me sooner or later."
  The spider began to move hi hand a little bit harder and brang his tunge once again to my pink flesh on my chest, than sucked, nipped, and pulled on it, sending pleasure through out my body. It began to feel so good, my mind tolled me that I wanted more. But no! He was my enemy! I will not submit to him. Nor will I submit to the desire of my pleasure.

    I keep my moans in trying to make sure that he would not get what he wanted, but then he broke. He continued to move his hand up and down, and lick me, but with his other hand he pushed a finger into my hole. Right when he pushed it in, he imedeltly hit the best spot, and the pain from it was mixed with that pleasure. Unwillingly, I let out a loude mone, and he repedivly hit the same spot. The pain and pleasure mixing min my body. Making me moan more and more. I was almost at my end, but suddenly, all motion stoped. He stood and looked at me from above. The loss of heat was unfavorable to me, but I would not say or complain.

"I see that your about to release. But oh, why should I give you that? If only you would do as I ask, I may give it to you right here, right now. All you need to say 'master I beg you, give me release.'"
  The words that he spoak where full of pride. What a shame that is. I will never give in to his damand... but the pain is so pleasurable, it makes the pain intensify. Almost to my braking point, but not quit enough. Can I take this any more? Will I be able to withstand the urge to jut give in and beg?

Claude begins to walk away as the pain and pleasure begin to be unbarible.

"You can not just leave me here! Let me go! ~master~" I said this a an annoyed mumbled. Sadly, it was not what he wanted.

"Thats not what I said. If you want thus to end, just say what I tolled you too Slave." He turns around and looks me right in the eye. And a wide smirk on his lips.

"I will not say that degrading sentence!" I say, feeling my eyes burn a darker red. This spider will pay for what he has made me deal with!

"Then I shall leave you here till you decide to say what I want."
  The spider, begins to walk away, leaving me. The pain and pleasure clouding my mind. I can't take it any more. I need to end this. I need release.

"No! Fine...... master please give me release." I feel my eyes burn red, but I turn away from Faustus as to not disgrace myself anymore.

Suddenly the spider is on top of me and strokes me again with enough suddenness that a loud moan slips out of my mouth. With every move I moan wanting more amd more. His touch becomeing intoxicating. I wish I could have more. Till finaly I released. My body arching, and my mind numb. I was breathless, and completely drained of strength. Weak and helpless in thus state.

"You are mine now Michaels. Only I can give you pleasure. From now till the end of my life span." I felt the binds release me and everything went black.

Ok so that was only the first part. There will be more, so till thenkeel your lusty selfs tuned in to find out what happend to Sebastian and why Claude is so powerful.

             *Hana Engle OUT*

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