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The summer of 1896- Denmark

"The hell?", Leira practically screamed when she opened today's mail. She began to feel her blood pressure go up, the stress was getting to her, and she WASN'T go to take any more of those 'calming' pills her doctor prescribed. They made her loppy and she was sure she was getting addicted. She glanced at her feet, useless in water.

'Den lille havfrue' the hell was that supposed to mean? Her kind could speak any language if they've heard it before. She knew it translated to "little seawomen" but why woud Mr.Anderson do this? Hans Anderson said he believed her, what a mistake she had made. She would be the laughing stock of the kingdom in a matter of months.. On the cover was a red head, A RED HEAD. She was a frekin blonde! She was going to have a nevous break down if she didn't have a long relaxing swim. she opened the door to her room, ran down the hall, opened the window, jumped and SPLAT.

She was in water. There was a giant  ocean like fish tank in her back yard but nothing compared to swimming through the ocean waters. Prince  Valdemar of Denmark had built it to her specifications. She felt so at peace in the water. She only wished her lungs could breathe water. She came up for air.

"Leira, what are you doing? Are you in... YOUR WEDDING DRESS?!", her soon to be mother-in-law Louise screamed. Overwhelming guilt hit her, she just got the dress today.

Queen Annabell, her soon to be mother-in-law gave her instruction NOT TO ruin the dress. Not to get a drop of it wet. 'It's priceless', she had said, not even 10 minutes ago. And what did Leira do? Jump in the pool. After her mother-in-law gave her the dress, she ran to the room excited. Then, even more so to find her mail. It was finally here, her book. Everyone would believe her now, or she had thought. How she hated Anderson right now. That was no excuse for losing control, but she wasn't used to her human form.

Animal instincts were her usual excuse but she's not an animal. She's a human and she hated it. She could blame no one but herself. The feeling of stress bombarded her as she swam out of the pool. She looked down. Feet. Just feet.

That's when Adrien came out, he was beautilful. She look in her husband-to-be's eyes, pleading and apologizing with her big round eyes before his mother got a word in.  Leira had a talent for manipulating humans, it was the talent of her people. Her people..

She turned away from her yelling mother-in-law-to-be and stared at the ocean, the sun was setting the horizon. She felt the want ,no, the need to swim. She was on the edge of the beach. Just to dip her toe in the water could cost her life.

"Leira, don't you dare! Sea salt will ruin that fabric." How had this become her life?

~Author's Note~ I am beyond excited for the story, I have so many ideas for where it can go! This was just an intro, real story starting next chapter :) thanks for reading!

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