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~Leira's POV~

I sat in the sun, staring at my tail, waiting for it to go away. What if it didnt? I couldn't go back. It would be so embarrassing. Just then I heard a 'woof' a dog was running to the ocean. I heard about dogs from Ms. Ales Ru {pronounced; Alice- Rue}, the royal teacher who taught me everything I knew. He refused to teach me about so much though. He thought there were somethings I should learn on my own.

I turned to the beach sand but the dog was gone, he was running to the ocean. I saw it in a flash, the dog running to the wave, the wave hitting the dog, then the dog being dragged into the ocean. I looked at my tail, at the end toes were forming, my very own toes! The dog was gone now, drowning deep in the ocean.

I cursed this dog, I was never going to dry off! I jumped in and swam to it, picking the dog up on my shoulders and dragging it to shore. I layed it on my rock as it coughed up water. He looked at me, then my tail, then he simply turned away and we dried off on the rock together.

Seconds later I found him starring at me again. Mezmorized by my beauty, I was flattered by I'm not the most beautiful in the atlantis. He would go crazy for my sisters, I patted his head. I felt a connection to this dog, almost as if I've known him my whole life.

I looked around, to make sure no humans were near the shore. Ms.Ru had told me that our singing skills were so amazing that it could take a humans hearing, then give them a head ache that would soon kill them. Animals, on the other hand, loved our singing. Just as I was about to open my mouth, to practice singing on dryland, the dog jumped me. He seemed to know what I was going to do.

I layed on the rock, breathless, the dog took all the air out of my lungs. I layed their confused until I heard it, a whistle. A human whistle, probably calling the dog. The dog pushed me back into the ocean just as his owner turned to face the rock I once layed on. "There you are!", his owner screamed delighted, "Oh, you had me so worried!" I peaked over the rock, still half in the ocean.

The owner tunred around, looking for someone or anything that may have explained why his dog ran over here. But, the dog's reason was well hidden behind a rock, still half in the ocean and in her mermaid form. I found myself starring at this man, he was beautilful, even for a human. I could've sworn the dog gave me a wink.

I layed back on the rock and dried off, finally in my human form I noticed I was practically naked. I was in a 'bikini". I couldn't walk around town like this. I found an old tee-shirt on the beach and put it on, this will have to do for now. I was already running way behind schedule.

~Translated from Danish~

"Who goes there?", I heard a skinny guardsman-like fellow scream. I weighed my opions, do I run or tell him I'm princess Leira of Atlantis? It didn't take long to decide I was going to make a run for it. As soon as I took three steps, getting sand in my mouth. I hadn't yet mastered my land-legs.

"I'm Leira", I stated in Danish. My people have always been able to quickly caught on to other languages, it helps that I've heard vistors speak this language before.

The guard looked at me and laugh, amused by my name or my confidence, I couldn't tell. "Well, Leira", the guardsman spat, "I'm afraid this is a private beach for royals not... commoners like yourself." He said while gesturing to the rags I had on.

"I am a royal, Princess Leria of Atlantis.. I mean Britain" I stated. "Oh, are you now?" he laughed a grim laugh, "that's great princess but this is for the royals of Denmark, not...", he paused, gesturing to my clothes,"where ever YOUR from."

I admit the tee shirt wasn't royal clothing so I took it off, revealing my bikini. It had gold flakes covering the whole top and and green bottom with diamonds embroidered on the edges, with my pearl necklace it was priceless, even in Atlantis. One of the pearls were from Flounder.

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