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Leira's POV

Flounder stared at me as if I would know what was going on and he was just waiting for me to explain. There were secret agents in front of my tutors door and he some how thought I could just explain that. If there was one thing I hated about being royal it was the pressure of everyone thinking you know everything and have all the answers. Truth is, sometimes the public is given more information than me and my sisters. What did they want with Ms. Ru? 

The agents had stopped talking but there was no way they could see us behind this wall. I glanced down the hall to see that one of the agents was starting to come our way. "Wait here", I whisered to Flounder before going into the hallway. 

"Hello", I said in my most charming voice. The agent that was starting to come our way had a pokerface of steel. A couple the agents smiled and some nodded, exccept for "Mr.Pokerface". Mr.Pokerface began to talk, "Princess, please go back to your room. This is not your concern."

I was so fed up with being kept in the dark today that I actully took on the head of the secret service. "Am I not to be concerned with the safety of my people? I demand to know what is going on", my tone stern.

All the agents stood in shock but I could've sworn I saw a little twinkle in Mr.Pokerface's eyes. He found me amusing I guess. "If you insist, we are looking in to a matter and were just keeping count of all the staff in the castle. BUT we can't seem to find your tutor, Mr.Eel. Do you know where he might possibly be?"

I didn't know how to respond to this. One day last year Ms.Ru sat in Mr.Eel's desk and that was that, I assumed she was a sub. After her being my teacher for a week I asked her where Mr.Eel had went and she said he had ressigned due to a family matter. It didn't concern me much because I get new teachers all the time but after what happened with Flounder, I wondered what eles she was lying about.

I heard Flounder cough in his hiding spot behind the wall, he wanted me to tell them the truth and I knew I should but I wasn't being told the full truth so why should I tell the full truth? Flounder coughed again and an agents head shot up. "He went out", I spoke quickly, " family matter he said he said he had to attend a family matter that's all. Not urgent or anything, said he'll be back soon."

All the agents seemed to buy it, except Pokerface who rasied an eyebrow. I had to make this believeable. An agent from the back of the group spoke up, "Have you seen him today though, love?  Have you seen him recently? Did he say when he'll be back?" A couple agents glared at him, I guess he was supposed to be more nonchalant about the mysterious disapperence of my teacher.  A couple of the agents were actually waiting for me to answer. Well I could ask qustions too. 

I starightened up and said, "I saw him this morning. Said he'll be back by tommorow, he wanted to check on his family after the alarms last night. What were those about then?" Some eyebrows shot up but pokerface was the first to speak up, "You couldn't hear any alarms from the castlle, interesting how you heard them." then he smirked and gave me a wink when no one was looking. He couldn't know, no one knew what had happened last night, hell I barely knew. 

I began to get flustered as he raised an eyebrow, my mouth opened and closed but nothing came out. Flounder popped out of the corner just then, "Princess there you are, are you going to hear the rest of Mr.Eel's story about the alarms? Oh hi there, who are your friends? I'm Flounder."

An agent pushed by pokerface, "None of your bussiness, now do you know where Mr.Eel is, Flounder?"

Flounder replied, "with his family, he told me about the alarms before he left. Just came by the cancel the lesson." He lied with suc perfection I was jealous.

I smiled and nodded as the agents waved us away, all except pokerface who watched us til we were out of sight. He was only a year or two older, very handsome, I wonder what his name is.

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