Sound the Alarms

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A/N: it's Ms.Ales Ru not Mr. & Thank you for reading :)

~Leira's POV~

A loud siren interrupted my dreams about the prince on the beach. I tried to open my eyes as they tried to adust to the sunlight. But there shouldn't be any sunlight in my bedroom, my eyes shot open. I was under the skylight at the bottom of my cave.

I tried to remember the last thing that happened. Had I dreamed about the boat crash? The prince? The dog? My mind couldn't tell the difference between what had really happened and what was just a dream. Plus my head ached badly. What memories were real?

My thoughts were answered as I left through the cave opening. Wood from the royal ship covered the ocean surface but the scariest thing was looking down. 

The city was dark and quiet, what happened to energegtic Atlantis? I swam up first, I had to make sure there was no one left on the boat. Through the wreckage I found little things that humans take for granted. In what was once the kitchen of the ship were unharmed biscuits, they were just a little cold. I thought of how Flounder would love these but pushed that thought away. He snitched on me. ME! I've covered him so many times, we were partners in crime and he told on me to my teacher?

I swam to where the dinning room once was and found beautilful silver dishes. I caught a glimpse of myself in on the the spoons and was horrified. My once smooth long blonde hair was in knots and burned slighty with blood in it, it looked almost red. I tried combing it out with a fork but it wasn't exactly working. My forehead had a giant gash on the right side and I began to fill dizzy. I had to get home. 

I began to swim down and heard my name being called. I turned to the direction I heard my name and there was Flounder. He has a giant knot on his forehead, I was too mad to care about him, snitch. He did look worried though. 

"Leira!", he screamed after me, "Where have you been? I was worried sick. The kingdom was worried sick."  I felt a tugg of guilt in my stomache but ignored it. The word snitch was ringing in my ears. It was like a betrayal. I spat, "Then I guess I should get back then."

He was obviously taken a back by my rudeness, so was I. I swam faster. How was I supposed to explain this to father? 

Entering the kingdom, it seemed like everthing had the life sucked out of it.. The street lights were dim as everyone dragged on, like in a depressed trance. I swam the castle, trying not to be seen because I was a princess but it didn't seem like anyone would even care if King Triton himself walked down Main Street...

I slipped through my usual gate bars, but only one guard was on duty anyway. I scaled the side of the castle to my window and peaked into my room. The coast was clear but what was going on? 

I walked down my hallway and Niat bumped into me but just countined rushing to my father's study then slammed the door shut. I had to find out what was going on. Just as I was going to open the door it swung open and 5 guards swam out. They positioned themselves around the door. "I'm princess Leira and I demand to speak to my father". 

One of the head guards, who seemed to be in charge at the moment looked at me and smiled a mocking smile. "I'm sorry princess but no one is allowed in, carry on. Go do your hair or something." His tone took me by surprise. 

I spoke up, "Fine, I'll go ask the royal tutor. She should be helpful." "HE", the guard corrected me,"is probably busy too. Just stay out of everyones way." I gave him a weird look, maybe Ms.Ru wasn't the prettiest mermaid in Atlantis and yes she was a little heavy with a boyish body type but I was certain she was not a man. That was beyond rude. Just as I was about to speak up to this rude guard again I heard my name being called down the hall from a familar voice. Flounder. 

I may have been mad at him but he was a little bit of normal. I swam down the hall and leaped into his arms, giving him a bear hug. He was alarmed by my forehead and led me to the first aid part of the castle. 

Last night there was an alarm, an emergancy alarm. It rattled through the entire kingdom to alert all citizens. Flounder said he thought that the kingdom found out I was missing and sent out an alarm but after he rushed to castle, it wasn't hard to figure out that the kingdom had barley relized I was still not back. He asked a couple questions to some tight-lipped guards but all he got were answers like 'its royal-importance, not for civilians to worry themselves about'. Finally he said, "Okay  but can I just talk to Leira quickly?", and the guard said yes. Flounder then said something like, "Oh nevermind I'll talk to her tommmorow, it's late". No one in the castle even found out I was gone. 

The alarms could've been anything, someone trying to leave or someone trying to come back. Atlantis was sort of a prision. A prison with the most beautiful views, the most lovely animals, most delicious food, the best music you've ever heard, and peaceful people but our citizens were trapped none the less. But when your in the most spectacular place in the world with all your loved ones, I guess you don't mind being stuck here. 

Over time he heard more and more alarms and people began to come out of their houses since they couldn't sleep. That's when people noticed some lights weren't working and the others were dim or flickering. People began to feel tired and some even fell asleep on their way to their homes. They assumed it was from being kept awake but then people awoke this morning to find themselves still tired, cranky, depressed, lazy, & nothing like the happy singing/ dancing Atlantians we all knew. Flounder said he thought I would be okay becasue I was with Ms.Ru.

This is where I interuppted. "Oh yes good old trustworthly Ms.Ru", I practically spat. I was about to give him a lecture about being parnters in crime when he interuppted me first. "She was acting weird yesterday, wasn't she? She started to yell at me about letting you get so close to humans after I pushed you out of the way of a piece of ship. I told her you were fine, I was trying to get you back to Atlantis when she started talking to her self. I asked if she was okay and she started yelling about how I better go home before she tells my father about leading the princess into danger. I told her that you needed saving and refused to go home. She went bonkers. How do you think I got this bump on my head? I woke up in my bed. No offense but your teachers crazy." He then gave me a weird look.

I closed my jaw quickly, and wondered how long ago it dropped. Ms,Ru lied to me, but why? She said Flounder had ran away and told her I needed saving. I touched the bump on his forehead and he flinched. I needed to find Ms,Ru. She had some explaining to do. 

After Flounder's bandage was appplied we went  downstairs to Ms.Ru's study on the third floor. The lights on this floor were dim, it gave me an eerie feeling. I peaked around the cornor to her office to see even more guards then around my father's study. These were the top secret service agents that were usually on dryland doing important things, nothing interesting happenend in my tutor's office. Then a thought occured... what exactly were the alarms for?

A/N: Short chapter, getting into the rythm of writting again. thanks for reading xoxo

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