Chapter 3

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After Honeypaw and Darkpaw left the den to go to training, Icepaws side was still hurting but she went to meet Thorntail. Thorntail noticed her wincing and he raised his eyebrows. "my side hurts" she explained.

"you better go see the medicine cat" he said

Icepaw sighed. "fine" she said.

She stalked off to see the medicine cat. Icepaw had never seen the medicine cat before but she knew he was called Spiderfur. "Oh great another apprentice. What now?" He asked

"My side hurts" she explained

"Fine then let's take a look." He said

As he examined her side, Icepaw noticed his eyebrows being raised.

"Um yeah well you seem to have a some slight... Scratches..." He said

Icepaw didn't think she had scratches, come to think, she never looked at her side to see it. She looked at discovered her entire side was coated with scratches. "I'm going to dress this with cobwebs and you can't train for a few days but it will heal soon" Spiderfur said

I can't train for a few days? I haven't even started my training yet! Icepaw thought. She sighed. "Fine" she said as he started to dress her wound.

One question she had was who was that cat in her dream?

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