Chapter 4

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After a few days of being in the medicine den, Icepaw was finally ready to start her training. As she walked out she saw Honeypaw and Darkpaw. "Hey are you FINALLY coming to join us? And are you finally done being an attention seeker and helping us keep the territory safe from the other clans?" Darkpaw said.

"Darkpaw!" Honeypaw replied.

Why was Darkpaw being so mean? "Yeah I am Darkpaw." Icepaw told him.

"Finally!" He said as he pressed his pelt against Icepaw.

What was up with him? One minute he's nice and one minute he's mean! Whatever he probably didn't realize he was being mean Icepaw thought as they went to meet their mentors. "Hi Thorntail. I'm finally ready for training." She said to him

"Great! Today I'm going to show you the territory." He said

"Cool! Let's go!" She responded as they started to walk out of camp.

After he showed her everything except the border, Icepaws paws were hurting like crazy. They sure did have a big territory! As they approached the border Icepaw saw another cat approaching them. "Icepaw go back to camp" said Thorntail.

"Um, okay" she responded.

Thorntail was the kind of warrior to scold an innocent kit and she didn't want to deal with him. She started to walk away but decided to hide in the bushes to see what was going on. "Are we still meeting tonight Thorntail?" Said the dark brown and white Shadowclan cat.

"Yes Ratheart we are. At the edge of the lake at moon high?" Thorntail asked

"Yes if those are still your plans" said Ratheart

"Yes but I will have to sneak past the night guards in our camp. Ridiculous that Stormstar has to put night guards in the camp near the elders den and nursery since that battle. At least there are none by the Warriors den" he explained

What is going on? Icepaw wondered "both Jaggedtooth and Lilypelt said they could come but the loner I found, Gull, willing to get revenge on the clans, said he couldn't come and that could meet us a separate night." Thorntail explained

"Ok, so it's settle we will discuss our plans tonight?" Ratheart asked

"Yes we will plan it to the second" Thorntail said and with one last nod walked away

Icepaw rushed back to camp with her heart beating so hard, she felt it might explode and send her flying all the way to starclan. She had so many questions but her main one was what is Thorntail planning with that, Ratheart?

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