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"How long until you make your move". I was annoyed and getting extremely impatient. "She's never alone , I can't just take her out in the opening".

"Ughh. I just want this to be over with. How much money you think you could get outta her", I questioned .

"A lot.. don't worry about it Ariana . You're still getting your cut".

"Whatever Bishop, I'm not gon keep giving you girls if you don't start paying upfront".

"Yeah Yeah. I'll see you Ari."


We stared at one another some more after saying I love you at the same time. "No Jayda.. I don't just love you....I'm in love with you", I explained.

"You don't have to feel the same, I just needed to get that off my chest", I said. She wrapped her arms around me. "Im .. in love with you too Blue", she whispered. I leaned down to kiss her. It started to turn into a make out so I picked her up and put her on the wall.

I started to get hard and I knew she felt it. "Put.. it ..in", she said between kisses. Shidd ain't have to tell me twice. I slid her down onto my dick. "Oooooo", she moaned in my ear.

I could feel her walls clenching onto me. "Fuck Jayda", I groaned. I went at a slow pace. Giving her long and deep strokes. "Ooooo daddy don't stop ", she cried.

This set me off. Almost immediately, I started to drill into her. She gasped and scratched my back, but I didn't stop. Holding on to her waist, I pounded her until I seen tears well up in her eyes. "Y-you..feel.so gooooood", she dragged. I closed my eyes. Damn this shit felt amazing.

Still keeping the pace going , I could feel my nut building up. But I wasn't gon stop until she got hers first.

I slowed down a bit just to relax my self. "I-I'm ...ohhhhhhhh", she screamed. I looked down to see the mess, she made all over my dick. She breathed heavy, causing me to smirk.

We wasn't done, I don't know what she thought.


Those lil horny freaky fucks act like these walls is soundproof. Ella came into my room shaking her head.

"Blue punking our sis out", she laughed . "Man okay, she supposed to a hardbody."

"I'm sick , we ain't getting no play in this damn house", I said getting out of bed. "On god. No dick fa us.",she said as we walked out my room.

We went downstairs. That creepy ass box was still on the counter . "Should we throw it away", Ella asked. I shrugged. "Just put it by the garbage can".

She nodded and did so.

We made breakfast for everyone. By the time we were done Blue and Jayda came down. "Bet y'all worked up an appetite", Ella said.

Jayda blushed while Blue just laughed.

We all sat down and ate. "Has anyone talk to CJ recently", I asked. Him and I hadn't spoken in a week. They all nodded and confirmed they spoke with him yesterday.

"Oh". That's all I could say. I knew we were giving each other space still. But even then , we spoke everyday. It was dry, but we still spoke. Now it's been a while 7 days since he last texted me.

I didn't realize everyone was staring at me .

"Well that's ....ahem... good", I said clearing my throat. They looked at me sympathetically so I just tried to hurry and finish eating.

I was chillin in bed, when my phone started jumpin.

BabySis🤍 (Ella)
You haven't talked to Dess recently?🙁
Gangsta ❄️🤍 (jayda)
You good? Ian know you and Dess ain't been talking 🤨
Hit Dess up nigga you always talking bout her ass to me . They trippin ova here😂

I kissed my teeth after reading all they messages. Dess ain't worried bout me. We ain't talk in a week because she snapped on me over sum Instagram shit. I was tryna stay cool, but she be getting mad allll the damn time.

I love her mean ass, but damn. I feel like this shit gon fuck me up in the end.

I decided to just go over there and deal with the shit now, before it get worse.

I texted all three of them back saying "on my way".



I was chillin on the couch when CJ came over.
I didn't say anything to him as he greeted everyone else. "Hey Dess", he said.

I scoffed and ignored him. He don't get to choose when we talk. Fuck him. "It's like that", he said sitting next to me. I rolled my eyes and kept ignoring him.

"Man aight. Ian kissing ya ass", he snapped. "Boy fuck u ."

"Fuck u back", he laughed . He thought this shit was funny? "CJ ion even know why i wasted my time witchu".

"That's how u feel", he said looking me dead in my eyes.


"Yup", I said popping the P and smiling .
Why tf would I say that?

"Say less", he said getting up and going upstairs. I assumed he was gonna go talk to Ella. Since she was the only upstairs.

I rubbed my temples and groaned. What the hell is wrong with me?


"We finna go to Target. Do anybody neeed anything", I called. Nobody answered. I shrugged and headed out with Blue.


"Grab the Hot Fries", I said pointing way up to the top of the shelf. Blue laughed and reached for them. "Tiny ass".

"Shut it up. Grab 3. They not finna be eating all my shit".

As we were shopping, I kept getting this nervous feeling. Like I was being watched. I would find myself looking over my shoulder constantly. I never seen anything out of the ordinary though.

"You good", Blue asked . He must've noticed my actions. "Uhm... yea , can we just leave", I asked. I could feel myself getting frantic.

He nodded and we went to pay for our stuff.


Walking to the car, I still kept looking at my surroundings. We finally got to my car . After putting everything in the trunk I went to the drivers side and screamed. "What what's wrong", Blue said running over to my side.

On the floor was a dog bowl with my name on it. There was a picture in it too. I picked it up and nearly fainted. It was a picture of me sleeping. The picture was clearly taking from the window. I was sleep on the couch.

I noticed my hairstyle and realized this picture was taken like two weeks ago. "What the fuck", Blue said looking at the picture. I started to cry in Blue's arms. "Let's just go to the police", he said.

I nodded , wiping tears. I got in the passenger seat and slouched down low as Blue drove off.

Somebody is out to get me.


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