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"Can you go get Ella, tell her I finished cooking", Jayda said. "Gotcha", I replied and headed up into Ella's room.

I went in, and it was empty. "Ella", I called. I went into her bathroom . "Ella the food is do-".

My heart dropped. I seen the pills, I seen a letter.  "No no no" I said rushing to Ella. "Ella wake up , Ella please", I begged. "JAYDA CALL 9-1-1", I screamed.

I continued holding her. I checked her pulse . I honestly didn't even know how. I just hoped she was alive. Jayda rushed in on the phone with the operator. She didn't know what to tell them until she seen Ella.

"God please .. no", she cried. "She tried to kill herself", I wailed. Jayda told the operator before rushing to Ella's aid. We both picked her up and carried her downstairs.

I tried to give her CPR. I honestly didn't know what to do in a time like this. "We need you Ella please don't go", Jayda cried holding her face. She looked so lifeless, so pale.

"God don't take my heart from me", Jayda cried. "Please Ella . Please", I said crying into her chest. I couldn't take it. I couldn't be without her.

Suddenly paramedics burst in. They put Ella on a gurney.At this point we were screaming for her to be okay.

Cars started to drive past all slow and neighbors were coming outside to see what this commotion was.

"Ma'am please just trail behind us in your car", a man said before they rushed her into the ambulance. Jayda had her phone and the note as we ran to her car. We sped behind the ambulance .

Praying to God that our sister was gonna make it. "She's a fighter . She's got to survive", I said.


We rushed in behind the paramedics . Two nurses stopped us. "The doctors need you two to wait out here", One informed. "Please please save her", Jayda practically fell into one of the nurses arms.

She gave us sympathetic looks.
"We will do all we can".

Jayda and I sat in a chair , holding each other . Crying and praying. "Father please , don't take her from us. Not now, not like this", Jayda whispered.

After a few minutes we both read the letter Ella left. This just burned my heart. I couldn't even finish. Our baby sister was suffering so much. She tried to keep it all in. How could we not notice?

"God I wish I payed more attention", I mumbled.

"C-call CJ", Jayda stuttered. I checked and realized I didn't have my phone . I went to the receptionist.

"Excuse me may I please call someone. I-It's an emergency".

She rolled her eyes. "Here", she said aggressively before handing me the phone.

I pray Ella makes it out okay. Because if she doesn't, I'm taking it out on this fucking rude ass receptionist .

I dialed CJ's number. "CJ, you guys need come to the hospital immediately. It's Ella , she....she tried to kill her self", I choked.

It went silent. "H-Hello", I said in between cries. "H-Here we come", I heard his voice crack before he hung up.

I slugged back over to Jayda. "She is gonna survive", I kept reassuring Jayda. But really I was trying to convince myself.

We can't lose this girl. Our sister, the one we fight for. The one who keeps us all sane. How could we survive this?

Losing Ella? Would we even make it out okay?


"People here for Ella Oscar", a doctor said while looking out into the waiting room . We immediately stood up. "Ladies... she's alive . Luckily you came quick. We managed to pump her stomach . She's sleeping off the anesthesia right now, but you may go in and check on her", he said. He had tired eyes.

"Thank you god", Jayda cried as we followed him to Ella's room.


"Ella we love you so much", Dess said as sat beside her holding her hand. "I couldn't lose you. You held us together ", I cried while caressing her cheek.

Thank the lord , Dess found her in time. The doctor's said Dess performing CPR gave enough time for them to help her. Dess never even learned CPR.

I was so amazed and thankful for her doing what she did. She saved our baby sis. And now it wouldn't go a day where I wouldn't forget to thank god for these girls in my life.

"Shit we gotta call them back.", Dess reminded me. CJ and Blue were far so I didn't know how long it would take them to get here.

"I figured calling them to let them know she was okay would be good . So they won't drive and panic", she explained.

"My phone is in the car", I said. "I'll be right back to get it".

I left to go to my car. I realized it wasn't parked in the front. "Oh ma'am, you left your keys in the engine", a valet said.

"It's parked in the parking garage, free of charge"he said . "Would you like me to get it for you", he asked. I shook my head no and he handed me my keys. "Floor 3, row 15", he explained.

I nodded and went back into the building . I took the elevator to the floor of the garage I was supposed to be on.

When I stepped off I seen ...

That black fucking SUV. The engine was running and it was parked right next to my car. "Fuck no", I turned to go back to the elevator.

I was met with hands wrapped around my throat. "I've been waiting for you slave", the guy said tightening his grip around my neck.

I tried to fight , but felt myself getting weaker, and sleepier, until

Everything just went black.

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