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This letter is for the ones I love,

You all have been the best friends and family I could ever ask for. I just wasn't strong enough. I'm sorry to leave you all like this, but I couldn't keep going .
I feel so awful about everything. Key's sister told me it should've been me dead. I agree with her. I've been trying to do better but I couldn't continue. I love you guys so much. Please don't blame yourself. I was weak, I was small, I couldn't stay here anymore.

CJ thank you for protecting me the best you could. Thank you for sticking by and letting me know things would be alright. You're the sweetest, caring guy I'd ever met. I'm so thankful that I got a chance to be apart of your life.

Blue, you were always the strongest, but yet the biggest baby. You taught me to keep my head high. To never let anyone bring me down. You tried so hard to show me my worth. You were the best brother a girl could ever ask for. I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Dess, for as long as I knew you, you always showed me toughness. You taught me how to fight. And always had my back when it got serious. I love you and I'm so proud of you for bringing your guard down to accept love, from not only me, but all of us.

Jayda, you said I was your heart, but you were mine. You brought the vibe and held us all together. You could always see behind my smile. You stayed in my room at nights where I didn't want to be alone. You let me cry it out and cried with me. I'm sorry to leave you like this. I know you are going thru things of your own, and I pray to watch over you and guide you to your safety.

I love you all so much . Don't forget me. You'll be the last people I ever loved.

Forever your baby sis,


I shook as I finished my letter. I stared at the group picture of all of us. Tears falling onto the picture. I'm sorry to leave them. I wish I could keep this fight going. I didn't have the heart to keep going.

After finishing the last of my sleeping pills I sat in the tub. Crying and praying to god for forgiveness.

I finally began to feel sleepy. "I'm sorry", I whispered before my eyes finally shut. I was free.


I made this chapter really short because I wanted to say something about this!

Suicide should never be your answer. If you ever feel like suicide is the only option. Please talk to someone! ANYONE!

I'll even be a listening ear to anyone who needs it. Whether you've been feeling depressed or just need someone to talk to about something that happened today. I'll listen.

Your feelings are always valid. Everyone deserves happiness and please don't think you don't. You're all beautiful people🤍 Keep going, keep fighting!

I'll stand by your side . Whether I know you or not🤍

Keep your head up🤍 I'm proud of you!

Some people just need to hear that.

It's okay if all you did today was survive🤍That's a big accomplishment!

Keep surviving, Keep winning.

And speaking as a person who recently lost someone from suicide , I want to say don't ignore the signs of others. Pay more attention to those you love.
They could be crying out for help. Please check on your friends, and family.

🤍🤍🤍all love🤍🤍🤍

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