Blue Blood, Red Skin

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(I'm at 46,000 with this chapter, so I'll try and begin Chapter Nine, and have my quota by tomorrow night, it just depends on my school schedule. I don't know what will happen. I liked writing this chapter because it has my favorite Gideon Scene in it. He's a true king, with two faces, so, sorry if he seems bipolar, but we all know he's got to have a cold side and a warm side.)

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Thanks for sticking around till now! Here you go, chapter eight!

Chapter Eight

        Together, in a quiet mourning, the king and druid stayed in Cols. A day passed after Marriah awoke in the small cramped room, and she had requested that Dawni assist her in dressing. The young woman fretted over the red haired woman’s healing ability, because to her eyes the wound looked the same as it had before, even if the bleeding had stopped. Marriah assured her that she wasn’t healed, it hurt quite annoyingly, but she had to get up and moving as soon as possible.

        Once clothed in an oversized shirt and a pair of breeches, they sat down to a strongly seasoned meal, Augie eying the way Gideon barely even looked at the exotic red head. The old man always spent meals with Dawni nowadays, stating both that she’d be lonely without him, and that he couldn’t leave her alone with strangers for so long. He also wanted to know more about the mysterious couple who’d shown up at his gate in the middle of a war.

        “Are ye’ two really married?” He sloshed between bites of fish, pointing his fork at them accusingly.

        Marriah, having been told of the lie, only nodded, not wanting to add fuel to the fire by stating anything.

        “Don’t seem much like it.”

        Dawni cleared her throat, shooting a glare at her friend, “Shut your trap and eat your food.”

        Gideon sighed, closing his eyes a long moment, feeling the fish settling strange in his gut. He’d never been much of a seafood eater, but he wouldn’t turn away real food.

        Marriah finished only a small portion of her meal before seeting the fork aside, “I have to thank you for your hospitality. There aren’t many people that would openly share their homes with strangers. Especially during these times.”

        “We need to stick together. With Lamial having troubles,” Dawni shrugged off the compliment, “I hear it’s because Noa’s got a couple of magician’s that their queens been hiding.” She clicked her tongue, “What can we do against magic? I just hope the fighting ends soon so our men can come home.”

        Marriah felt guilt tumble through her, shame hitting her lungs and causing her to hold her breath. A warm callused hand covered hers, and she startled, seeing King Gideon watching her. He didn’t look hateful, just tired and her gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

        Dawni smiled to herself as she watched the two of them, “Don’t you listen to my whining, our king is young, and he’s a strong knight. There is always hope if he’s alive.”

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