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Chapter 2

        Snow whirled around them, pristine white flakes sticking to Marriah’s dirty hair, she had wrapped her arms around her body, covered by the cloak Kirian had given to her once they’d left Iopryss. 

        “This material is thin.” She commented when the wind blew right through the threads and stung her cold skin.

        Kirian gave her a cold look, gloved hands rubbing together as they trudged back towards Artie and Loreic, “You’re one to talk, it’s not my fault you lost your cloak and scarf.”

        “Not mine either.” The red haired woman gnawed on her bottom lip, “At least the sun is out today, and it’s quiet.”

        “That’s because you probably scared everyone away with that scream.” He spoke lightly, trying to tease her and not offend her, “Does that happen every time?”

        “Every time I use my magic?” Marriah struggled to pull the hood back over her head after the wind whipped it away, tucking her brittle hair beneath.

        The cut that had been on her forehead seemed to be minimal, barely an inch long and she’d wiped away the blood with a handful of snow before they’d gotten to far.

        “Yeah, I’ve never heard of it happening like that.”

        “Well,” She glanced at him, green eyes sharp, “How much do you actually know about magic? I never thought it was a common known topic outside of my home.”

        “True, it’s not normal around these parts. You gonna tell me where you are from?” Kirian walked close beside her, noticing how small she was, her head barely reaching his ear.

        “A place that doesn’t exist anymore.” She waved a hand, though it wasn’t seen beneath the cloak, “I’m sure your king will tell you after I speak with him.”

        “Why are you so secretive?”

        “Why would I tell a total stranger?” Marriah countered.

        He scoffed and covered his ears with his hands to attempt to warm them up. It was warmer than it had been the day before, but the temperature was still quite low. “I helped you.”

        “Yes, I suppose you did. That changes nothing.” She looked away from him, towards the billowing curls of snow powder, “We should be there by now.”

        “They probably moved into the trees to get out of the wind.”

        “I suppose.” 

        Kirian gave her a strange look over his shoulder as he trudged into the cover of the brittle branches, “Loreic? Artie?”

        “Moramair.” Marriah breathed the stallions name, and it echoed dreamily.

        There was a high pitched whinny, and then the swishing of snow and rumbling of hooves. It rattled the earth beneath the knight and magicians boots, ending with a glittering spray of white that fluttered down over them and low welcoming snorts.

        “What did you call him?” Kirian scowled as he brushed snow from his long hair.

        “Moramair.” She reached out and rubbed the stallion gently between his large orb-like eyes, he snuffled her shoulder in response, enticing a faint smile from her lips.

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