The East Wing

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Chapter Five

        “The east wing has been prepared,” A tall boney faced women said, a voice like falcon cries, “I was informed that Lady Marriah will be residing here until further notice.”

        Marriah stood at the massive doors that lead from the central palace to the queens chambers. Her eyes trailed up the intricate designed carved into the wood, “Is there no way I could speak to his majesty before?”

        A jerky shake of her head, and a sway of her thin finger and the maid servant snapped, “His Highness is much too busy to bother with such things are the moment. I’ve been instructed that you are to remain here until summoned.”

        Marriah glanced back at Kirian and Artie whom stood behind her, frowns on their handsome faces. The castle was warm, but this section seemed much too quiet, Sarna was the only person she’d seen since they’d come to the entrance of the East wing. They hadn’t even gone in yet. Marriah took a look around again and clenched her jaw, eventually nodding, “Very well.”

        The doors were unlocked and swung open, and she walked forwards, passing through the doorways, taking in the grandeur of the Queens Wing. It reminded her of the Queen’s Silver palace of Agkara, which she’d visited frequently to see her Aunt, Nia, the Queen. Marriah felt something shifting as she entered the east wing, she spun and reached out, “Wait!”

        The doors had slammed shut and there was a deep clicking sound as they were locked, and Sarna’s long cold fingers wrapped around her wrists, “By the order of the council, you’re under detainment.”

        Something cold and repulsive was snapped around Marriah’s thin neck, and exhaustion swept over her. She gasped, tearing away from the spindly mistress and clawing at the collar. Everything was heavy, and she shuddered, feeling her stomach coiling, “I haven’t done anything wrong!”

        Sarna stood, arms crossed, eyes like flint, “The council will not take the risk that you’ll bring harm to Lamial. Until a different verdict is decided on, you will remain here with the Hage around your throat.”

        Marriah’s finger’s burned as she yanked at the heavy collar Sarna had clasped around her neck, “Where did you get this?”

        “The last Witch to set foot in Lamial left behind some things, I’m sure you’re aware of what this one does.” Her voice was detached and cruel and she shook her head, “What was our king thinking when he offered asylum to a Witch? All your kind brings is death and destruction.”

        Marriah had scrambled against the nearest wall, hands clutching at her head now, feeling the sickness rising into her throat. She knew what this sort of thing did, her mind was trying to comprehend the changes, and her body was fighting the heaviness it swept over her, “Let me go and I’ll leave. I promise.” She begged, eyes burning with tears.

        Sarna scoffed dryly and stared down at the young red haired girl like she was a disgusting bug, “What a pitiful excuse, when you’re supposed to be the most feared and powerful creature on this earth. You lose your magic, an you’re a squabbling baby.”

        Marriah stared back at her, dread pouring through her and she grimaced as the pounding echoed in her temples. Nothing else could be said, and she huddled into herself, feeling the emptiness the Hage gave her. It was like her connection had been severed, everything was quiet, everything was just as a mortal human would live. She could’t hear Artie or Kirian wondering when she’d come out, because men other than the king weren’t allowed in the East wing. She couldn’t smell the faint tang of incense from the Cardinal cathedral with bells that chimed away the hours.

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