Chapter 3

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hay sorry about the late update but now im updating a few chapters so here u go, since its the holidays i hope to update everyday if im not doing something :) hehe xx luv u readers out there and directioners :P

Chapter 3 sam's P.O.V

"I'm sorry" said a husky voice from beside me. I span around so fast I thought I was gonna fall off my chair. "What did you say to me?" I said in a very harsh tone. I think he noticed it to because

he had a surprised look on his face. His eyes softened as I looked into his eyes, they looked soft and chocolaty brown not like his usual hard black eyes. To be honest he looked nervous to reply it reminded me of the first time I met him in primary when he was so sweet and innocent, now I just don't know what to think of him.

" umm well I I said I was sorry" gosh I would of never thought I would of ever heard that come out of Zayn's mouth, I was so gob smacked I did not know what to reply but there was something I did

want to ask. "Why are you saying sorry?" He looked at me like he had an answer but he just couldn't word it right. "Well basically for what I did today I just have a lot on my mind and I shouldn't

have taken this out on you. But most of all I'm just so so sorry about what Ive done to you over all these years, I just of made them hell and I don't blame you if you hate my guts" I was so surprised

when he said that but also because I saw all the sincerity in his eyes like he meant it. I could feel tears forming in my eyes I took a big breath to put them back. Too be honest lately Ive been

thinking about how Zayn and I used to be, I mean I miss it. "Zayn, I don't hate you I never have, I just hate what you do to me" He looked as if he could punch the wall in. "I know and that's exactly

- wait what did you just say to me?" hmm I don't know why he was so surprised about what I said "I said I don't hate you I just don't like what you do". Zayn's eyes opened wide, "so you don't hate me, wow I just thought cos of the way you always speak to me its like sour" Well no wonder "well daa why would I talk to you nicely if you beat me up all day?" He turned to face the floor, "Ohh right well at least you don't hate me, cos I just couldn't handle that..." I swear he didn't just say that last sentence. "Zayn, what did you just say?" I looked at his face and his cheeks were starting to go bright crimson. "Uh never mind it doesn't matter any way" I swear he just said that but who knows I always hear things wrong. As I was thinking about the situation we were in, I realised we had sat in silence for a few minutes now. Trying to make conversation I decided to change the subject off what we were talking about. "Um so how is life?"

Zayn turned away from where he was looking at, "it's alright, schools gay, and you should know how my parents are" I understood what he was saying school is so boring. But what I felt bad for him for

was his parents. They had literally been fighting for years, even I knew about it and I haven't been to his house for so many years now. It had to be about 5 years ago now that I haven't hung out

with Zayn. A memory came in my mind from one of the times I stayed the night at his house one time when we were 11...


"TOY STORY" "NO, CINDERELLA" Zayn and I were fighting over who were the best movie characters. "Okay shall we agree on a tie?" Zayn said to me fighting back a laugh. I looked him in his soft

looking chocolate brown eyes. "Okay fine but just this once! Cinderella will win one day!!" We were rolling in his back yard cracking up laughing. This has been the best sleepover so far.

After we had gotten over a laughter we decided to go play some games inside we walked in the door and there was Zayn's dad drunk as ever fighting with his mum "wheereee thee fuckkkk haveee

youu beeen bitchhh?" he slurred to Mrs. Malik. "Ive been out with friends, it's none of your business!!!" she said shouting. Zayn looked at his parents than back at me his eyes were no longer

shining they were dull and lifeless he had a very concerned look on his face as he stared at me. Not much long after he did that Mr. Malik turned and looked at the two of us. "Whattt thee fuckkkk

areee youu littleeee twatsss lookingggg atttt?" his dad slurred. Zayn quickly grabbed my arm "um we were just leaving" a few seconds after that he dragged me down the hallway and into his bedroom.

Zayn slammed his bedroom door closed; man it seemed his parents were getting worse every time I came over to his house. He had tears forming in his eyes "I'm so sorry you have to keep seeing that"

I looked at him with sincerity I walked up to him and gave him a comforting hug. I hate seeing Zayn so unhappy like this. "It's not your fault Zayn; your parents should not fight around you. Shhhhhhh

calm down" I was rubbing his back as he was sobbing in to the crook of my neck. It took him about 20 minutes to calm him down. I grabbed Zayn by the hand "Hey Zayn come on lets go for a walk my parents

gave me some money so we can go get an ice-cream ok?" Zayn gripped my hand than led me to the window "um Sam it's probably best if we go through the window so we don't have to go back out to the

living room." So Zayn quickly but swiftly jumped out of the window as we have been doing this for years now. Yet I was still a little bit scared about jumping the window so he always went first so he

could guide me down. Whenever I climbed down he would always catch me on the last jump. When we were both on the floor we had to start running so we would not get caught running past the living room.

Zayn and I sprinted towards the street. We only just made it; we decided to go to the dairy down the street. When we got there I told him to wait outside as I would go inside to get the ice-cream I

mean it wasn't as if I didn't know the flavor he wanted. I went inside and ordered Cookies and Cream for the both of us considering it was our favourite flavor. While eating the ice-cream we headed

towards the local park where we would always go to play. We sat on the nearest park bench. Zayn being him ate his ice-cream in no time at all. After eating we just sat there in silence for a little bit.

I don't know how long it was before we started talking "Hey Sam, can I ask you something?" I looked at him with a smile "yeah sure shoot!" He made himself comfortable on the bench "well um I was

just wondering if you know, will we be best friends forever? I started giggling " well of course we'll be friends forever" Once I'd said that he had a big smile on his face I'm glad I make him

happy " I'm so glad to have a best friend like you, we may be 11 but you know I love you right?" Zayn said awaiting my reply. "Of course I know I love you to."


I smiled to myself remembering that memory, I wonder if Zayn remembers that. I actually miss him more than he would ever know....

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