Chapter 6

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Hay u kno wat i want u to do luv ya xx

Chapter 6 Zayn's P.O.V

Sam and I bolted out the door as quick as we could so she could not call us back in. "WE'RE FREE!!!" Sam shouted. We landed on the concrete laughing and rolling around. I always remember doing  

this stuff when we were little. It felt like we were finally forgiving each other for our mistakes. But little does she know I forgave her so long ago... Once Sam and I got up Sam asked me  

something. "So I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come over and hang out, only if you want though!" Sam said out of no where. I was so happy I haven't been to her house since our first day of 

middle school that was about 5 years ago now. I could feel a very big grin on my face "yeah I would love to come to your house, but will your parents mind you know?" She gave me a goofy grin "well of  

course they won't mind silly! They have actually missed you a lot over the years" I was surprised when she said that, I missed them to they were basically my foster parents. But I have a weird feeling  

Sam never actually told them why we haven't talked in like 5 years. Making our way back to Sam's House we just caught up and talked to each other. I knew she still lived in the same house because sometimes I would go for a walk to the park and I would see her there with her parents. Sam let us I to the house. "My parents will be at work but we can still hang out! So what do ya want to do?" I stood there and thought than I knew what we should do, "well I don't know if you would want to do this but maybe we could go get some ice-cream and then go to the park like we always used to?" Her face lit up like the sun" OMG yes yes come on lets go" Sam grabbed my hand and we were out the door. The warmth of her hand as she pulled me out the door was nice and I missed it so much. When we arrived at the dairy I insisted that this one time I would go in to get the ice-cream after differing for a while she finally agreed. It was funny because over five years we still liked the same ice cream flavor as each other. I went and ordered 2 Cookies & Cream Ice Cream. I brought it out to her and her eyes were bulging I forgot how much she loved ice-cream. It was such a nice day to walk to the park nice and hot.  

Arriving at the park we raced to our usual bench and quickly sat down. Concentrating on eating we didn't really talk but when we were both finished we didn't really know what to talk about. "Sam, 

do you remember when we were 9 and we sat here and engraved our initials in the bottom, do you think they will still be here?" "OMG it should still be there I remember that!" we both stood up and bent 

down. Looking under you could see this big heart with the initials SW+ZM carved into the bench. "Haha its still there, I can't believe it lasted the weather all these years!!" I was thinking and then  

I thought maybe it was meant to last for a reason. "What did you say Zayn?" Sam said tilting her head to the side as if showing she didn't understand. Oh damn it I said that out loud ... "um well I 

said that who knows maybe it was meant to last for a reason" She looked and me and grinned "Ohh what a cheesy line, Malik" she said stifling a giggle. "Hey Zayn what's the time?" I flipped my phone out 

and checked the time "ahh its 5:45, why?" Her eyes widened "Ohh shit my parents are gonna kill me! Come on your coming to my house for dinner" We practically ran home, by the time we got there we had a 

cover story which was actually pretty much the truth. As we stepped in the house we saw her parents sitting at the table eating dinner, Sam and I were both very confused. Her parents turned around 

"hey guys come join us for dinner!" said Ann Sams mum. "Mum, Ross aren't you angry or worried about where Ive been?"  

They both shook their heads "nope we saw Zayn and yours bags on the ground so we assumed that you guys just popped out for a little bit" This is one of the reasons I loved Sam's parents they  

always kept calm and thought of a solution. Sams parents Ann and Lee seperated and Ann was now with Ross she really missed Lee but she still loved Ross. Sam and I just forgot about it and went to eat some dinner. "So Zayn it's been a while since we've seen you hasn't it" Mr Smith said. "haha yes its  

been about 5 years" "well you've certainly grown up to be a very good looking boy as Ann and I always thought you would." I blushed at that comment "well thank you Mr. Smith. " Zayn I think your 

old enough to call me Ross now" 

I laughed at that comment. During dinner we just sat there and caught up with each other. My phone vibrated in my pocket, it was from my dad jeez this text is going to be interesting... 


Mate you better be at home or you will be locked out for the whole night im not coming home. 

"Uh-oh" "what is it son?" "Um well my dad has just texted me saying he's not coming home and I have no way of getting into my house" Ann and Ross looked at each other and nodded. I was confused 

at this moment. "Hunny if you need to you can stay here tonight"  

I just nodded appreciatively. "Now who's up for a movie night?" Sam and I quickly shot up our hands laughing. Ann and Ross shared one couch and then there was only the one seater left so I sat 

down and quickly pulled Sam onto my lap. Her reaction to it was a very big tomato red blush. But after a few minutes she cuddled into me and lent her head into the crook of my neck. Tonight we were 

watching Paranormal Activity 4 it was really good but Sam was always turning towards me so she didn't have to see the scary parts. When it was a scary part I protected her so she didn't see it.  

After the movie she was pretty shaken up but she was still cheerful. "Well should we go to bed then?" she said, but grabbing my wrist and pulling me up the stairs. "Night mum, night Ross"  said Sam

halfway up the stairs. I waved them a quick goodbye. As we got to the bedroom door I was quite intrigued to know what her bedroom would look now that she wasn't a little girl any more. She opened up her 

door and it was the same as it always was she just had posters of celebrities on her walls now like most teenage girls do. Sam let go of my hand and got her pajamas out of her drawer, it was her old 

pink nightie but she now had it with a pair of pajama shorts. "OMG wow you still have the sleepover nightie!" "Well duh why would I get rid of it!" she said smiling. I just realised since im staying  

the night I had no pajamas! "Um Sam we have a problem I don't have any pajamas!" Sam looked at me with a 'are you serious' face. "Just wear your boxer's silly!" I looked at the ground blushing  

"uh well ill go undress in the bathroom while you get changed" I walked out of her room and into the bathroom, I closed the door and stripped down to my boxers to be honest I was quite self  

conscious about my body, especially in front of the girl im in love with. I stepped out of the bathroom and walked into her bedroom, she was lying on her bed with her pink nightie that was more of 

a shirt now and her shorts, she looked so fit. She turned to face me, she saw me and her jaw dropped her eyes were roaming my body; I started getting real self conscious. "Um Sam your kinda  

well staring at me..." I said not trying to embarrass her. To late her cheeks were gaining a blush, I just can't believe how cute she looks when she blushed. "Soo... ill just sleep on the ground  

ok?" I said trying not to make the situation awkward. "Don't be silly you'll get cold and who will I have to cuddle with Malik? So get your butt up to this bed!"

I was not gonna put up a fight to Sam cos she will just kick your butt.

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