Chapter 3: Nico's P.O.V.

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Ugh... My head... is spinning...

What the hell did that doctor do?

Gotta wake up...


I'm not sure when, or how, I woke up, but I just forced my eyes to open. It was getting annoying with my eyes closed and not being able to see what was going on around me. And next to me was the last person I wanted to see. 

There he was, the guy who bought me to this hospital in the first place. He was sitting very still, filling out a form of some sort, but it was obvious his hands were shaking. Was he afraid of something?

I groan, trying to speak. "What's going on?" 

Immediately he flicked his head around, and looked at me, and smiled a tight-lipped smile. What is up with this guy?

"Hey babe, finally awake? How'd you sleep? Are you hurting anywhere?" 

BABE?!?! Is this guy okay?!?!?

"Why are you-" He cuts me off.

"Talk quietly! I'll explain after the nurse leaves", he whispers shouts. "Just go along with it. Act like we're dating." 


He didn't look like he was playing around, so I decided to go along. 

"I'm okay, I'm a little tired", I say, in response to his "babe" question. What in the seven heavens was going on?

He continues like this, acting like we were a couple. He held my hand sometimes, or just pressed random kisses to the side of my forehead. It was so weird, I wanted to cry. He acted so natural about this, didn't it bother him to do this? Acting all cutesy with a guy, didn't he want to cringe? I was waiting for him to spit in my face as soon as the nurse left, just like any asshole would do. 

As soon as the nurse left, he got up, shut the door, surprisingly gently, and pulled the curtains closed. Then he plopped back down next to me. I eye him, waiting for a reaction, but he does nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just rests his head on the chair, eyes closed, breathing deeply. I take this chance to get a good look at him. 

He had good looks, no doubt. They weren't overly good looks, but they weren't decent either. He had a strong build and looked like he was about 18 or 19. He was dressed in a uniform, a library worker uniform, but didn't look like the type of guy to wear a uniform like that. He looked more like the type of person who would wear the same thing every single day if he got the chance. His face was sharp and slightly tanned like he spent days at the beach. He looked like he worked out and kept himself in shape because those biceps looked thick.

Wonder what they feel like...


I flip my head back to the wall in front of me, which somehow makes him open his eyes and look at me. "Everything okay?" he asks gently. 

What is with this guy? He's not gonna yell at me or scream or anything like that?

"Hey, why are you looking at me like I'm evil? Look, I'm sorry I brought you here against your will, but I would feel bad if I didn't so please stop-"

I cut him off.

"You aren't gonna yell at me? Or scream and swear?", I ask, continuing to stare at a wall. He gapes at me. 

"Wha- what do you mean am I gonna yell or scream or swear? Why would I?" he questions, sounding truly surprised. Wonder how long he's gonna keep up the act.

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