Chapter 7 A Lazy Day

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Phil's (Point Of View)

I woke up in my bed wondering what happen last night. A smile that spread across my cheeks as I remembered last night. Being on the date with Dan and coming home to a movie night , but I'm wondering how I got into bed. All I remembered is falling asleep on the couch. I try to remember how but I can't remember. Then I start to remember being carried by strong arms. I blush slightly. Dan carried me to bed. He is so sweet. I jump out of bed and walk into the shower. After my shower I change into soft jogger pants and walk to the lounge with my laptop. I open tumblr and start scrolling. As I'm scrolling I hear the door open and someone walk in. It was Dan. He sat down next to me and put his head on my shoulder, watching me scrolling through tumblr.

"Morning." I say.

"Morning. " He says in the most sexiest morning voice ever.

"What do you wanna do today? " he asks me.

"Nothing, I just wanna stay here and have a lazy day."I respond

"That's a perfect idea, let me go get my laptop so I can enter my browsing position ." he says as he gets up and walks out of the room. I look back at my screen and start scrolling again. As I'm scrolling I see a fanfic about me and Dan. I click on it and start reading. As I'm reading I start to realize that it's a smut fanfic. I bookmark the fanfic and exit out of the fanfic. Dan walks in and sits in his normal spot with his laptop. We both scroll through tumblr for about 3 hours until I start to get bored. I want to read the smut but I don't want to read it in front of Dan. So I move myself and my screen so he can't see and open the fanfic again. The fanfic is amazing. It has a lot of detail put into it. As I'm reading I'm starting to wish Dan would do the things to me like they do in the fanfic. While I'm reading Dan looks up with a curious face.

"what you doing Phil? " he asks me.

"Tumblr." I say.

"Phil, show me your screen." he says calmly. I quickly exit the fanfic and show him my tumblr feed.

"See, told you." I say. He looks at me with a disbelieveing look and turns back to his tumblr. I finish reading the fanfic and go to search for more smuts. I spend the whole day looking at smuts until it's time to go to bed. When it's time for bed I get up, kiss Dan goodnight,  and leave with my laptop in hand to my bedroom. I put my laptop down and lay down in bed imagining all the things Dan did to me in the fanfic in real life. I slowly fall asleep imagining that. But during the night I have a very interesting dream.

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