Chapter 12: Petty Fights

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Dark-brown eyes watched the pavement in wonder as mocha-brown ears took in the sound of feet crunching on small pebbles. Atticus was finally getting discharged, but instead of feeling excitement all he could feel was dread as he wonders what a certain blue-haired boy was doing throughout his stay.

He could only think of the worse since he had no way on contacting him. Had he gotten himself in trouble? Was he hurt? Or worse, did they find him and take him away? The last question gave Atticus goosebumps all around, the reason essentially unknown to the panicked male.

Yes, he was panicked, but that fact was unknown to the giddy doctor pushing him towards his vehicle. "Since you came in an ambulance and nobody seemed to come to pick you up, I'll take you home." Jace explained.

Atticus bit his lip as his panic slowly diminished and was replaced with warmth. The doctor had felt like a ray of sunshine peeking through the darkness of a harsh storm. "That'd be nice Doc, thank you."

Jace flicked his wrist in light dismissal, "No need to thank me, it's only the right thing to do. Would hate to leave a friend out to dry like that."


Jace flushed, "No! Well, yes? I mean, we are friends, right?" he sputtered out.

"Well Doc, gaining a friend is always nice." Jace smiled in response, his dark red flush turning into a light dust of pink at the reassurance.

The two acquaintances-turned-friends reached Jace's gray McLaren Speedtail. Atticus whistled and looked up at Jace, his eyes twinkling like a little kid on Christmas day. "That doctor's salary treatin' you nice, aint it?"

Jace sheepishly rubbed the back his neck and lightly chuckled, "She's quite pleasant, I'll say that."

Jace opened up his door and pushed the passenger's seat forwards to reveal the backseat. "It's kind of a tight fit, I'm sorry. It's usually just me."

"Aw man, you ain't gotta worry too much bout me. I'll be fine." Atticus responded while slowly sliding his body into the tiny backseat of the car, with Jace's help of course.

Jace made sure the man's limbs were safely in the car, before shutting the door and getting into the driver's seat. "Are you sure you're comfortable back there." Atticus nodded in response.

This didn't seem to be enough for the young doctor, as he only grunted and pushed his seat forwards. Even though he was sitting closer to the wheel than he was used to, it ended up giving Atticus more breathable leg room.

Atticus stretched out his legs as far as they could go, before leaning backwards. As he felt the car pull out of the driveway, his mind drifted back to his temporarily estranged roommate that he felt his heart speeding up for. His thoughts began to drift back to when he first began painting him. The pale skin of his body blending nicely with the dark red of the robe. Dark tendrils of the cloth wrapping around his waist and falling to his round derrière.

The though caused Atticus to shiver, before his thoughts were cut off completely as his ringtone filled the space of the small car. Before he could have the thought version of post-nut clarity, he picked up the phone and read the unknown number that flashed across it.

He creased his brows in confusion and yet still answered the phone anyway, "Hello?"

"Tic, did they discharge you yet? Do you need me to come pick you up?" The sound of the man he had been daydreaming about prior filled his ears and suffocated his brain, capturing his breath for a few seconds before finally letting it go in a cusp of a deep breath.

Before he could answer the male in the driver's seat piped up, "Oh Atticus, not to interrupt but what's your address?"

Silence from the other line of the phone occurred before a grunt followed, "Who's that?"

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