Chapter 1: Bray Gets Released

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"Looks like its your lucky day, Levisay." A gruff voice bellowed, assaulting the ears of the poor guy. Bray grunted in response as he allowed a curt yawn to escape his mouth. He pushed himself up off the concrete of his jail cell and came face to face with the smug correctional officer.

"I always hated ya bitchass." Bray vocalized.

The correctional officer, who's name slipped Bray's mind several times, chuckled lowly. "You wouldn't have to see my handsome face if your deranged ass just behaved."

Bray sneered at his cocky remark, "I'm not deranged, I just don't tolerate bullshit." This ripped the ugliest laugh that Bray has ever had the displeasure of being subjected to out of the man. He shuddered and turned his body around, allowing the chilled cuffs to lock onto his wrists. The officer swung his body around and lead him towards the outside world. Bray was supposed to spend sixteen years in the penitentiary, so color him shocked when he heard he was being let out early. He already knew who bailed him out, the only person who he still had in his life. The question was, how did she do it? As the rails of the slammer lifted themselves up, the blinding light of the sun assaulted Bray's eyes. He hasn't seen the bright star in almost a decade, eight years to be exact. The now twenty-six-year-old scanned the parking lot for a specific bright pink convertible. Once his eyes landed on the vehicle, parked snugly in the handicap parking space, his eyes lit up like Christmas lights. He smirked as he felt the cuffs being removed from his raw wrists. Lifting his slender fingers, he ran them through his faded blue hair in order to get the strands out of his face.

"Hm, always was too damn pretty to be in here." He heard his assigned C.O. grumble behind him. Bray remembered a time when these small comments of disappointment from different people in his life used to sadden him; but now-a-days he just doesn't give a fuck. He realized how much of a lost cause he was years ago, being thrown in the big house for several years only confirmed that. He sped walked his way to his sister's car and leaned down once he got to the passenger side window.

He knocked on the tinted glass and waited patiently as his older sister, by a few minutes of course, rolled down the window. "I see you still got this ugly ass car." Bray remarked, earning an eye roll in response from his lovely sister.

"Nice to see you too Braydeen." she sneered.

Bray recoiled back in fake shock as he let out a dramatic gasp, "The government, huh? I'm hurt Bethie."

"Get yo dumbass in this car." she said in slight annoyance as she harshly opened the passenger side door from the inside. Bray gave her a small chuckle and ducked into the small car, wrinkling his nose in the process.

"What's that smell?" he asked slowly as the smell a mold attacked his nostrils.

Bethany sheepishly looked at her brother as she harshly rubbed the back of her neck, "Well you see—" she started before being cut off by her brother holding his hand up.

"I don't even wanna know," Bray said a faux disgust, already knowing where his sister was going with that. She giggled and pulled her car out of the parking lot, abandoning the place Bray has called home for the past eight years.

As Bray rolled the windows down to feel the wind against his hot skin, a feeling he hasn't felt in so long, he tossed a piece of paper into his unsuspecting sister's lap. She gave a little squeal in surprise before glaring at the man in the seat beside her.

"What the hell is this?" she asks, choosing to ignore her brother's antics. She didn't get an oral response out of him, so she decided to open it herself. She took one hand off the wheel and carefully unfolded the molded piece of paper.

"An address." she concluded in slight confusion. Bray nodded and flashed her a toothy grin, successfully confusing her even more.

"An old friend of mine visited me while I was in there. Gave me that," he nodded in the direction of the small hand holding the paper, "Said he wanted to see me when I got out."

Bethany lifted a perfectly threaded eyebrow causing Bray to aggressively shake his head.

"Not that type of friend, Beth." he whispered. She nodded slowly before squinting her eyes.

"You askin me to take you to this address right now? What happened to hanging out when you got out? Bray you promised." She whined.

Bray rolled his eyes playfully at the childish nature of his sister, "Take me there and then we can hang out later tonight."

She sighed before nodding her head, earning a satisfied grin from Bray. She entered the address into her phone GPS and zipped her way to their new destination. She parked her car in front of the Hampton Apartments, a name that completely contradicted the actual apartment complex. The shabby apartment complex settled a little knot in the belly of Bethany. Now, the twins were far from wealthy, but they also weren't this bad off.

Before she could warn her brother, he was already one foot out the door; so, she just decided to leave it alone for now. She watched her brother walk up to the door and step inside before pulling out of the parking lot.

"Long time no see li' one." the strong Louisiana accent from his friend rang out from the kitchen.

"Mhm, what do you want Tre." Bray grumbled, already annoyed with older male.

Tre hummed in amusement at his old friend, "Straight to the point, huh?"

"We aren't friends Tre, not anymore." Bray mumbled causing the older male to stiffen. Bray guessed they both wanted to forget about that dreadful night. A light tremor ran through Tre's body, causing him to drop a stack of pictures in front of the blue-haired man. Bray swiftly snatched the papers off the coffee table as he glared at the taller man. His eyes scan across the laminated papers, examining the nice Mercedes Benz that was presented for him. Looking up at Tre, he threw the papers back onto the table, shrugging his shoulders.

"Why am I looking at a car, Tre." Bray questioned.

"Get that fa' me." Tre responded simply.

Bray scrunched his face up at this tomfoolery. "Fuck you mean get that for you, do I look like I got Benz money? Tre, I just got outta jail."

Tre kneeled to Bray's seated height and examined his face for a second. Bray took the opportunity to do the same, realizing that Tre didn't look much different from the sixteen-year-old boy he used to know. "Steal it." he said.

"Oh, so what you're saying is, you want me to go back huh?" Bray questioned as he stared at the man like he grew three heads.

Tre shook his head lightly, "You'll be ight'. Listen, you just got outta jail, yeah?" he questioned, earning a nod from Bray. "Hm, then you need money, yeah?" he continued, earning another slightly slower nod. "I give you 5 hundred, you steal the car." he finished.

Bray thrusted his tongue into his cheek, before dryly chuckling. "Just give me enough money to buy the damn car."

"Ian' got that type of money."

Bray groaned as he threw his head back, resting it on the back of Tre's couch. He huffed before getting off the piece of furniture, heading for the door in a rush. He heard something else slam onto the table in front of him, so he lifted his head up and looked at the address written on it.

"Of course, this fucker is on the east-side." Bray groaned once more as he harshly rubbed his face, he could already feel his stress level spiking again. He quickly stood up before making his way to the front door of Tre's house.

"Have fun li' one." he heard before harshly slamming the door shut. He pulled a pack of cigs out of his jacket pocket, before pulling one of the cancer sticks out of it. He placed the small thing in between his lips and lit the other end of it with his lighter, sucking in the smoke and feeling his body relax because of it. This wasn't gonna end well, Bray could feel it.  

A/N: Hi all! I pumped this one out after working for over 10 hours to complete my assignments due for school, so I apologize if there's any errors made in it. I'd really appreciate it if you voted and commented. Let me know what I could improve on or just let me know if you liked this chapter or not, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks for reading. 

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