Chapter 15: Petty Fights (cont.)

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Bray awoke to the blinding sunlight traveling through the slightly ajar curtains. Deja Vu, he thought, just like his first night here. If the pattern of his first night were to continue its streak, then Atticus was most likely downstairs making breakfast. If the strong smell of hickory and the blasting of Lauryn Hill was anything to go by, it looked like Bray was finally right about something. He swung his legs off the bed and slipped his feet into the slippers Atticus brought him a few weeks prior, his cold toes wiggling against soft cotton.

He hesitantly made his way downstairs and peaked his head around the corner, watching the man he was building a small little crush on. Once he saw the burly man swaying his hips back and forth to the beat of X-Factor, Bray couldn't seem to remember why he was mad at him in the first place. He softened his body up a bit and felt the corner of his mouth lift softly. The moment was oddly very domestic, Atticus cooking breakfast while softly singing along to his guilty pleasure artists—all while Bray was watching him, longing to make his presence known.

So he did.

"Smells good." Bray mumbled, his voice coming out much raspier than he originally intended. Bray expected Atticus to turn around and sneer at him or maybe ignore him all together, but nope, he got a small and warm smile of acknowledgment. God, this man is too good, way too good.

"I'm makin' the bacon you liked so much last time."

"Yeah, my nose told me that back upstairs." Bray joked, hoping Atticus couldn't notice the stiffness in his shoulders.

The man before him quirked up his eyebrows before answering with a small chuckle, ultimately going back to what he was doing. Fuck, he noticed.

"You know, if ya want a massage I can give you one. My unc used to say I gave a mean massage."

"Used to?"

Atticus froze for a second, causing Bray to curse under his breath. Can't ever keep his goddamn mouth shut, can he?

"Shit, sorry I-"

"Nah, it's all good. But yeah, If you want one just say the word." Atticus said, voice a little more strained than it was a few seconds ago.

Bray grunted in agreement before sitting down in the chair already set out for him. His heart swooned a little bit at the gesture, it's always the little things that gets to him.

They sat in silence for a little longer before the darker-skinned man decided to speak up.

"Mind telling me why you had a bit of an attitude last night?"

Bray huffed out a dry, unamused chuckle. "Attitude? Man, I was just fucking tired. You try being exhausted and then suddenly your roommates' phone is going off a mile a minute."

"Shit like that has happened before, you ain't never reacted like that. Something tells me this is about the person I was talkin to rather than-"

"Please shut the fuck up. If you want to talk to that prissy little doctor bastard then fucking do it, see if I give any gram of a fuck." Bray spats back, slumping further into his seat.

Atticus grunts, much like how Bray did a second ago, before turning back to his work. "I'm going out with him after breakfast."

Bray closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Whatever."

After Atticus served their breakfast, they ate in silence, both wanting to speak to the other but entirely too stubborn to do so.

Afterwards, Atticus got up to get dressed. Bray sat in the same spot and curled into himself, wallowing in his own self-pity. Things just weren't working out in his favor, they never do. Atticus walked down the stairs, dressed all up in the finest clothes he could find deep in his wardrobe. His usual style wasn't so fancy, considering the fact he never really had a reason to dress up in his day-to-day life.

"Tch, so not only are you gettin dressed in ya sunday's best but I assume you're pickin him up too? Funny."

"One more word outta you and I swear on my grandmama's grave-"

"Huh?" Bray said while dramatically hopping out of his seat, silently squaring up with the taller male. "What was that? Bitch, you won't do shit."

"Ay man, chill out with that B-word."

"Or what? You won't hit me, you too soft for that."

"Maybe. But don't forget who's controlling whether or not you got a roof over ya head." Atticus calmly retorted. This caused Bray to relax his shoulders and step back a little.

"You wouldn't."

Atticus tilted his head at that before scoffing, turning around, and walking straight out the door. Bray rigidly stood in the middle of Tic's dining room, staring at the ground as the room seemed to go cold without Atticus' lively aura to fill it up.

Was he wrong? He couldn't really tell.  

A/N: Hi There! Been a while, hasnt it? This isn't exactly a continuation of the "Petty Fights" chapter, but it is another petty fight between our two lovebirds. Don't worry, I'm sure they'll work out their differences soon enough. 


Thoughts on Bray?

Thoughts on Atticus?

Who's side are you on right now?

Do you think Bray's annoyance was justified?

Do you think Atticus' friendship with Jace should be allowed? 

Thank you all for your patience as well as reading this chapter of AOS! Love you all, and please comment and vote so I can interact with you all. :)

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