Chapter 14: Late Messages and Cold Nights (filler)

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Atticus was startled awake by the ping of his phone. He hissed quietly at the slight pressure on his chest, not enough of a weight to be worrying but enough to know that something was different than usual. He slowly opened his eyes as memories of a few hours ago flooded his mind. A drunk and hysterical Bray, now reduced to the snoring mess currently laying on his chest.

He turned his head and was greeted by the mellow shine of the crescent moon, notifying him that it was not an appropriate time to be texting anybody. Releasing his phone from the grips of his charger, he kept a close ear to the soft snores that spilled out of Bray's opened mouth. Atticus was sure the younger male had gotten drool on his wifebeater, but he let it slide as fondness took root in his heart. 

He began wondering if Bray getting that drunk was a common occurrence—he made a mental note to pay closer attention to him in order to find out without directly asking him. The last thing Atticus would want is for Bray to get upset over the implication of him being an alcoholic, such a miscommunication was bound to happen with Atticus' luck.

Another notification sound for his phone brought the daydreaming man out of his thoughts and back into reality. He turned on his phone, the light illuminating Bray's face even more than the insistent moonlight. Atticus almost got distracted again by the softness of his features, before he knocked himself out of it and looked at the text messages that were littered on his screen.

Doc Jace: Hey Atticus! I remember you giving me your number and I can't believe I'm just now utilizing it. Sorry it's late, but I wanted to ask you this before I forgot. Would you like to get coffee or maybe catch a movie someday?

The tips of Atticus' lips twitched up into a little smirk at the bold nature of his doctor's text. Before he could fix his fingers to type his response, more thoughts of last night invaded his mind. Bray's ramblings were damn near incoherent, but Atticus was able to catch Jace's name in the mix of babbling. Did Bray have a problem with Jace? Atticus knew there was slight pettiness in their acquaintanceship, but he wasn't sure if it went beyond that.

Before he could gnaw at the skin of his thumb any longer, he was once again pulled out his thoughts by another ping.

Doc Jace: It's totally cool if you don't! Just a suggestion, as I wanted to see you even outside of medical reasons haha.

Atticus could sense the nervous nature of his doctor-turned-friend's message, so he decided it was best to respond to him and ease his mind.

Tic: Sure, coffee sounds good. When would you want to meet up?

It wasn't long before those three bubbles popped up in the corner, indicating that his texting partner was eagerly typing his response. Then they disappeared. Then they came back up, before disappearing once more. After a few times of back-and-forth inner turmoil, the message Jace sent finally popped up.

Doc Jace: I'm free Friday if that's cool with you?

It was slightly short notice, as it was currently Thursday, but it wasn't like Atticus had anything going on tomorrow anyway.

Tic: Sure, sounds good! I'll pick you up at 5.

"Who are you talking to right now." Bray's soft voice called out as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

Atticus hummed, "Jace. He wanted to meet up tomorrow for coffee."

Atticus could feel Bray tense and his soft breathing pick up slightly. "He's talking to you this late? About a coffee date?" He sneered, trying to hide the animosity in his voice.

Atticus furrowed his eyebrows in slight confusion, "Yes? Is that a problem?"

Bray swallowed before curtly shaking his head and vocalizing a soft 'nah' before turning his back towards Atticus.

"Bray?" "Go to sleep Atticus. It's too late to be chit-chattin right now."

Atticus grunted in response before laying on his back, staring up at the ceiling above. He hasn't slept in this room in a while, and he forget why until he felt the cold air blowing from the vent right above the bed. He let out a soft sound of remembrance—so that's why—he remembers the freezing cold nights because of that vent, always forgetting to close it until another cold night. Bray seemed to recognize how cold the room became as well, if the shivering was anything to go by. Small little tremors running through his body, his pride and defiance more important than his comfort right now. 

Atticus ignored all that and slung his arm around Bray's waist, hoping to warm the smaller man up.


"Let it happen, you're obviously cold and not one of us is gettin' up to close that damn vent." Atticus grumbled. 

 He heard a small huff before the body under his arm loosened slightly, all of muscles relaxing and his body melting into Atticus' side.

Atticus smirked in satisfaction.  

A/N: What's up guys? Been a while, and if you want to know why you can head over to my page and look at my announcements. However, I'm back! I know I said that last time, but this time I want to actually attempt at keeping my promise.  This filler is to put something out while I work through writer's block. 


Thoughts on Jace's messages? 

Thoughts on Atticus accepting this coffee "get-together"? 

Thoughts on Bray's response to Atticus texting Jace so late? 

Thoughts on each character as a whole? 

Thanks for reading guys! Make sure to vote and comment so I can interact with you lovely individuals. <3 

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