Chapter 1

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Uzumaki Naruto was definitely the happiest man alive when Sasuke Uchiha decided to return to Konoha. But lately, his smile had dimmed. And the reason –

14 letters -3 words

That was all it took to break him – both mentally and physically.

"I'm dating Sakura"

Naruto had thought this was some sort of stupid joke when Sasuke first told him. Of all the people he could have chosen – why Sakura?

'Why not me?'

A small laugh slipped out of his mouth at the thought – It was impossible – There was no way Sasuke would think of him as anything more than a friend. He shook his head dismissing these thoughts. Maybe a bowl of Ramen would help him feel better...

"Oi! Naruto!"

"Huh?" He stopped in his tracks at the Familiar voice.

"Sasuke?" And there he was, in all his glory - Sasuke Uchiha. The raven-haired boy who had stolen his heart. And latched onto his arm was Sakura. He felt a pang of jealousy as he saw how happy Sasuke looked. He hated the way she could make Sasuke smile with her mere presence.

He clenched his hands in his pockets as he forced his mouth into a smile. "Sakura-chan, what are you doing here?"

The raven-haired boy frowned, noticing how the blonde's smile didn't quite reach up to his eyes.

"Sasuke-kun and I are on a date." Sakura managed to say without giggling much as she and Sasuke kept their arms interlocked.

"Oh...." Naruto could feel his nails digging into the palm of his hands as he clenched his fist even tighter. "That's great –ttetebayo!!" He managed to sound quite enthusiastic while giving another one of his now-famous fake smiles. Sasuke coughed, recognizing it from a mile away.

"I think it is time to go now, right Sakura?" Sasuke said while Sakura nodded in agreement and bade farewell to Naruto. All The blonde received from Naruto was a curt nod as they walked away.

Is that how far apart we've become, Sasuke?

Naruto felt his legs walk the familiar path to Ichiraku's. His mind was on Sasuke. He stared at the steaming bowl of ramen in front of him. He had lost his appetite after seeing Sasuke and Sakura. He felt sick. At that moment he wanted to do a lot of things – cry – scream – vomit.

But he didn't.

He just sat there, and against his will, thought about the Raven Haired boy. 

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