Romantic Sparks

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"She looked into his shimmering blue eyes and blushed. 'I love you' they said at the same time. She pulled him in..."

DING DONG. I closed my book and went to answer the door. I shouldn't have answered it.

"How are you? What are you wearing, have you even changed your clothes? Did you clean your teeth or even put a mint in? Oh wow, you need to wash your body. Have you used conditioner lately? You need it." Kate said. She asked me about 20 more questions after that.

Let me explain who Kate is. Kate is a control-freak and never stops asking questions. She says she is "training" for her career on the news which she has not been offered yet since she is still in college. I shared my notes with her in AP English and we never stopped being friends from there on out.

I answered about five questions before I flipped open my book again. "When are you going to stop reading all these books?" Kate said acknowledging all the books in my living room. "Until I am tired of them, duhh." I answered. Kate looked around and sighed.

"How about we go shopping!" Kate suggested. "Can we go to the bookstore?" I asked. Kate looked at me with a pitiful look knowing I will only go shopping if we go to the bookstore. I hopped in Kate's car and Kate put the keys in the ignition.


"You promise I can get a discount." Oh good, Kate is hitting on a salesman again. "You go on a date with me and I will think about it." The salesman said. I could see the fury of Kate's disappointment build up. "I promise I'll go on a date, my friend is here with me and I want her to experience a real shopping experience. She only shops for books and asks me to lend money to her to buy a $1 book. Not even caring about her food and health." Kate replied.

"Fine, but I will pick you up at seven at the mall's entrance." The salesman agreed. "I'll be there." Kate flirted while walking around his body, touching it lightly. I walked out from the doorway of the dressing room. "I hate this dress." I said. Kate looked over and dismissed the man. "You always hate the dresses I pick out."

Actually, that is a complete lie. I love the dresses Kate picks out because they are so sparkly and comfortable. The dress I have on is a golden dress with blue strips (my favorite color). I turned around and went into my dressing room. I put on my regular plain outfit and I took the gold outfit in my hand and put it in its original bag and stuck out the price tag.

"Let me buy that dress for you." Kate said. "I don't like it though." I said. "Do I care?" Kate questioned. I let Kate bring up the dress and ring it in. The salesman looked at Kate and smiled. He is the one going on a date with her. Kate smiled back and asked for the discount. The man looked at me and introduced himself.

"I'm Devin, and you must be the friend who likes reading books." Devin said.

"No, I love reading books. My name is Bridget." I said. "Nice to meet you Bridget." Devin replied. Kate payed for the dress and we picked up the outfits and went outside.

"Bookstore!" I said.

"Bookstore." Kate sighed.

I walked into the store and grabbed a book. All of a sudden it started a chain reaction and before I knew it I was covered in a pile of books.

"Are you okay?" A man's voice asked while picking me up. I turned around and looked at him. I looked at his shaggy brown hair with those amazing, green eyes with those beautiful lips. Oh his lips. Perfectly un-chapped lips, those pinkish-red lips. I could just stare at them for hours. Then I realized I was looking at his lips, not his eyes.

"Um... I'm fine." I said. Now that I'm with you. "Oh... I'm sorry now you have to clean up all these books." I said noticing his name tag. "Yeah, I was so close to just sitting on the bean-bag chair in the children's section and now you ruined it." He joked.

"Thank you for helping me, see you around." I said. "See you around." He replied. I started walking away once he replied to me. "Wait, what is your name?" He questioned. "My name is Bridget." I answered. "See you around Bridget, my name is Max." Max replied. I turned around and smiled.

I grabbed a book from the pile and went on my way. I looked back to see him staring and he quickly went back to the pile to fix the books. I looked at the description.

"Annabelle is the daughter of Eleck Trik, a man completely made of metal and electricity. Annabelle's life completely changes when she found out she inherited some of her dad's electricity. Annabelle was starting to fall for this new boy named Daniel at the same time the changes are happening. Annabelle was told never to fall in love but this time she can't help herself. Her flesh can't hold the sparks for longs."

Why did I pick this book? Why must this horrible book fall into my hands? Why did a bunch of books fall in me picking to book? Why must I read it now?

I grabbed a basket and went to the Romantic Section again. I saw the books still on the ground without anyone touching them. He must of left in a hurry. I examined the pile closer to see a note on it.

"842- 279- 1638

He gave me his phone number. He liked me! I grabbed 5 more random books and left to go find Kate. I found Kate in the Magazine Section, looking through the latest issue of Cosmopolitan.

"Kate!" I said.

"What?" She asked really annoyed.

"A guy just gave me his phone number." I said quickly.

"Really? OMG! What is his name? What is he wearing? Is he cute? Does he like books? Of course he likes books he is at a bookstore. What does he look like? Is he nice? How old is he? Is it a fake number? Try texting him. OMG! I can't wait to text your mom! Did you tell your mom yet? When are you going to get engaged? No, you probably already got engaged. When are you getting married?"

"Stop right there." I said interrupting her. "We just met each other 5 minutes ago."

Kate shrugged and whispered in my ear "6 minutes now."

I walked towards the check-out isle and saw Max in the Manager's Office. I looked back at my check-out screen and it said "$67.41". I went over my price range, again. I paid the woman standing there and I grabbed my books. I looked over to the Manager's Office and saw Max and the manager yelling at each other. Max went out of the office and stormed out of the shop.

I went into Kate's car and remembered I have to get Kate to drive home. I went back inside to get Kate. I walked over to the Magazine Section and saw that Kate wasn't there. I checked the time. 6:58. Of course, she ditched me to go out on a date. I ran the mall's entrance and saw Kate about to get in a car.

"Kate!" I yelled. Kate stopped and turned to me. "The keys." I yelled trying to get to her. Kate tossed the keys and waved. The old, rusty, blue car left as I caught the keys. I looked at the keys and realized they were her father's fake keys that she gives to her father when she knows he wants her keys but she doesn't want to give them to him.

Confusing, I know.

I grabbed my phone and texted Kate. I texted her but it was too late, her phone was off. I looked up for the nearest bus stations, which was just around the corner, and walked around the corner to find a bus just loading in.

I ran to the bus and got in when they were about to close the door. I searched thorough my purse to find bus tokens.

"I got her." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and saw Max. "Hey Max." I said happily. "Hi Bridget." He replied. I walked by Max and took a seat.

"Hey, would you like to come over my house?" He said while I was going to open my book.

"Yeah, I would love too." I replied with my face blushing.

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