Chapter one

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Tw: a little drug use

Alex Turner was a very known lad. Everyone knew that. He was extremely popular. Everyone loved him. He was athletic, attractive. Almost every girl wanted him. He would pick at the kids slightly different then everyone else, that included Miles. Little did people know he wasn't exactly the smartest. So now he sat in his room pissed that he had a tutor.

"Hi Miles come in..." He smiled lightly at her. "I'm so glad you're doing this for my Alex." He hadn't met the kid yet. He tutored every once and awhile for some extra money. "So do you want me to pay you now or after?" The woman asked smiling brightly. "Um now is fine." She gave him £60 pounds. That was for two hours. "Maths and Science is what he needs to work on." He was a little surprised. He'd expected this Alex person to be a girl honestly.

"Alex come downstairs!" He didn't. She went upstairs. "This boy sometimes." She mumbled. "Alexander!" She said knocking on his door. He groaned and got up. "Yes?" He asked in a hushed voice. He'd been watching a movie. It was Bond. "Put a shirt on and come downstairs." She said disgusted by the state of her son's room. "Why?" He asked groaning. "Your tutor!" She said upset. "I don't need it!" "Yes you do! Come on now." She grabbed his ear. "Mum! Oh my god!" He said as she pulled him. She took him by his ear downstairs.

Miles stood there confused at the voice. W-wait...Alex fucking Turner?! His mum came downstairs pulling his ear. "Mum oh my god!" He said pulling away. He rubbed his ear in pain. "Sorry about that Miles." Alex looked up. He looked disgusted. "With him too?! Why would you have him be me tutor?" He asked upset. "There's nothing wrong with Miles." She said feeling bad. "He's such a loser!" Miles stood there shocked. In front of his mum he'd say that? Alex was very bold and mean.

"Alexander! You take that back right now young man." He rolled his eyes. Miles felt awkward and small. "Come here for a second." She said pulling him aside.

"Yer going to be tutored by this very kind boy or there will be no more sports. Your grades are batshit Alex." She whispered angrily. "But he's gayyyyyy!" Miles heard that. He felt extremely red. "Oh fuckin' well. I've paid him already. Go upstairs now." She hit him beside the head making him groan.

She practically forced him upstairs. Miles went after. He stood there awkwardly. "So should we start?" Alex asked upset. Miles flipped him off. "Eat a dick." He said coldly. Alex was surprised. "And choke on it. Yer such a shallow lad." He said disgusted by him. Alex didn't say anything. "Fuck off yer one to talk." Miles ignored him. "Now sit over here so I can dumb down basic maths to ya cause yer a fokin' idiot." Alex was so offended. "You wanna be an arse I'll be one raight back to ya." Alex was angry. He sat next to Miles. He didn't say a word even though he wanted too badly.

He began explaining it to him. "Do ya understand?" He asked. "Mmm no sorreh." He sighed. "You understand TOA, SOH, and CAH raight?" He asked. Alex was lost. "Okay so this one tangent is opposite divided by adjacent?" Miles nodded.

The two hours didn't go by too quickly but Alex understood a lot more. Miles was going to start tutoring him twice a week. He hated the boy but he needed the extra money. Alex was getting smarter so they both benefited.

"So are ya actually gay?" Alex asked grossed out. They'd been taking a break. "Oh my fucking god..." Miles said. "Why do ya keep asking?" He'd asked like 3 times. "I wanna know!" He admitted. "No! I'm sorry but no Alex. Thas none of yer business." Miles said pissed off. "Well everyone thinks yer gay." "Okay let them think that, I don't care." Miles said. "So do ya have like a boyfriend or summat?" Alex asked snickering. Miles shot him a dirty look. "Why do ya wanna know so badly? Do ya like me or somethin'?" Alex's eyes widened. "No!" "Then stop asking god."

Alex rolled his eyes. "This shit is boring." He said after 30 minutes of working. "Well ya need to get yer grades up." Miles said. "Mmm les take a break Mi." "Don't call me tha." Miles said eyeing him. "Okay Mi." Alex said giggling. He enjoyed making him mad. Miles saw a glimmer of happiness in his eyes. "Okay Al." Alex glared at him. "I can do that too." Miles said smiling confidently.

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