Chapter two

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Miles got home upset. It was all on his face. He was angry and he needed something to drink. He got some pop out of the fridge and sat down. "Miles are ye alright?" His mum asked. "Just fine." He said bitterly. "Miles tell me what's wrong love." She said sitting down beside him. She placed her hand on top of his. He'd never had secrets with his mum. "I really regret somethin' is all." He said nodding.

He regretted allowing Alex to have access to him like that. To see him vulnerable. He regretted letting him use his body in that way. He'd cursed himself almost 100 times for it. How much of an idiot he'd been. It was Alex, Alex Turner. It made him feel disgusted that half of him wanted to call. He wanted more.

"What do ya regret?" She asked. "I...I don't wanna say it's just something I did while intoxicated." He said nodding not looking at her. "Well if you can't make smart decisions I don't think ya really need to do those things anymore. I were a teenager once Mi so I understand, but please next time call me or better yet just don't do drugs." He sighed and nodded. " wasn't the drugs though. It were me own fault." He said admitting it.

After talking with his mum he felt a little better. He went upstairs to his room and began pacing. He clutched the tiny sheet of paper in his hand. Call Alex? Don't call Alex. Call Alex? Don't call Alex. He was curious as to why he acted like a complete douche in front of his friends and then had the audacity to give him his number.

He called Alex.

"Hello." A deep and raspy voice answered. He gulped. He wanted to cuss him out but he couldn't. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. It was purely raw silence. "Hello?" He said again. "Um...i-it's me." Miles finally said feeling the color rise to his cheeks. He felt very hot. "Miles Kane..." He whispered. He could see the face Alex was making even over the phone.

"Ah can't keep away can we Miles?" He rolled his eyes. "I just...w-why would you give me yer number?" He asked. "I'd much rather tell ya in person." Alex said. Miles cursed himself for the next thing he'd say. "I'll send you my address. Come through the back door." He said pissed off. "See you soon babeh." He hung up on Alex furious and confused. He leaned against the wall as he texted the address. "I'm such a fokin idiot..."

Alex arrived about an hour later. He gave Miles a text. Miles opened the door. Alex had been smoking a cigarette. "Put that thing out." Alex did what he was told. Miles quietly closed the door behind him. Alex smirked. "Come on you idiot." He grinned cheekily once he was upstairs standing in Miles' room.

"What do ya want?" Miles asked upset. "Look don't get so mad at me teasin' ya a bit." Alex said. "Oh so that's what ya call it after all you and yer pathetic mates call me slurs everyday." Alex sighed. "Look Miles babe I'm sorry." Alex said. "D-d-don't call me tha'." He said accidentally stuttering. Alex could see right through him. The effect he had on Miles was strong.

"Mi...lemme make it up to ya'." Miles just looked at him. Alex got closer he smirked before walking away. He went over to Miles' record player and put something on. It roared to life. He grabbed Miles' hand. "Dance with me?" Miles was shocked. His face slowly turned red. "C'mon Mi..." Miles laughed and leaned into Alex's touch. He felt same. He'd almost forgotten to dance. They swayed back and forth to some Oasis song. He inhaled the faint sent of Alex's cologne. He felt so safe and secure. He felt like nothing could hurt him. After the song ended Alex let him go. "Do you feel less angry?" Instead of responding Miles kissed him. The urge had been strong and he didn't want Alex to ruin the moment. Alex kissed him back.

And soon they were wrestling in the sheets. Miles was scratching and tugging at the mattress. The pleasure he'd loved and both hated overcame him. The need had been too strong and over again Alex was in his bed. He moaned the name he hated so much over and over. His body was in a trance almost. He was panting hard as the boy buried himself deep into Miles. He held the back of his neck. "A-Al...Al..." He managed to moan. He bit his lip as he felt himself getting closer. He stared up at Alex. They made eye contact. Alex's mouth hung slightly open as he panted. His hair hung over his face and slightly stuck to his forehead.

Miles felt overwhelmed with pleasure as Alex began to stroke his member with his hand. He moaned loudly. "Ah...ah...Alex...ahhh..." Miles whined. Alex let out a broken moan. He was so close. The passion stirred in the air. Miles couldn't even feel vulnerable. The fact that Alex was seeing his bare naked body. He didn't care. He needed to reach his climax. "S-so close..." He said panting. "Who's your daddy?" Alex asked in a low voice. "'s you." Miles managed to say. "Cum for me..." Miles did what he was told. His head moved back and another loud moan escaped his lips. Liquid spurt out of him. "Ah...Alex..."

Alex finished shortly after. Miles buried his face deep into his pillows recovering. He grabbed a water bottle on his bed side reaching over Alex. He drunk some water before covering himself up with a pillow. Alex on the other hand was pleased with himself. He'd fallen asleep holding Miles.

Alex woke up before him and decided to turn on the Tv. He'd go home soon just not yet. He observed Miles and all his features. This included his hair that laid gently over his face. Alex caressed his face softly. Miles was perfect. He sadly knew their dynamic, it only changes when the sun goes down around here. What a scummy man, Alex thought to himself. Using Miles like this was awful. He couldn't help it though.

He sat there thinking. The door opening snapped him out of his thoughts. It was his mum. She dropped her laundry basket in shock. Alex quickly covered his face with the blanket. "I can see you." She announced while eyeing the boy. She put Miles' clothes onto his dresser. Afterward she left Alex put his clothes on and left without a word.

Miles woke up with throbbing pain all up his back. He groaned remembering what happened. How could he have fallen so easily again? Alex was gone, he hadn't even left a note. He sighed and got up. He'd been used again. He staggered as he walked to the bathroom. He showered and then went downstairs. He needed to eat before he could take painkillers. His mum was reading the newspaper unfazed. He grabbed a bowl out of the shelf.

He got some Cheerios and almond milk. He began to eat his cereal. Why hadn't he stayed? Did he just dance and say those sweet things so he could use him again? He cursed himself for being so stupid. He mustn't let his guard down like that again, but with Alex it was so hard not too.

His mum was sitting in the living room contemplating what to say. She hadn't known her son was gay. She'd had suspicions but they weren't very strong. She just knew he'd never really went towards girls. She went into the kitchen. "Miles...we need to talk." He looked up unfazed. "Okay about what?"

"I um...the fact that there was a naked boy in yer room."

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