Chapter five

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Alex checked up on him a lot. Although there was no contact he texted and called every few days. He'd wait till Miles' injuries healed to press matters further. So a week later he was at his locker. "Hey." He said smirking. Miles eyed him smiling a little. "I suppose you've been wondering what 'm doing. It's football tryouts love." He said running his hands through his hair while leaning against the locker next to Miles'.

"Oh is it?" He asked pretending to care. "Mhm," Alex said. He heard laughter down the hall. It echoed. It was the lads. They came over. "Why are ya with 'im?" Jamie asked seeing the two. "Nothin' just stopped by to say hello to me favorite fag." They all l laughed except Miles. He just stared at Alex in disgust. "See ya later Miles the uh faggot." They all walked away laughing.

Miles slammed his locker. He was tired of Alex treating him like shit in front of everyone. He went to class and tried not to think about it. He needed to do something to hurt him just as much as he hurt Miles. He wanted to make Alex mad. He had a good idea. He texted Alex to come over after school. He knew he would, he was desperate. Why was he still entertaining this?

And once Alex was there he caressed the side of his cheek. "Ya need to make it up to me." Alex sighed. He already knew what he was talking about. "Miles 'm sorry. I will babe." "You want me so bad but you treat me like shit in front for your mates. Yer such a slut." Alex didn't say anything. He knew it was true. "'M sorry I am...I just...I've got no excuse." He held Alex's face with his hand and just looked him up and down disgusted.

"Honestly what are we even doing? We're not in love or anythin'." Miles said annoyed with Alex. "Well, I realleh realleh like ya..." Miles' smile faded. "Or do you just like the stuff we do?" He asked seriously. "You call me slurs all the time y-you're so mean to me, I can't be with someone like tha' I jus' can't," Miles said standing up. Alex didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry." He bit his lip. "There's not many options in Sheffield is there." He stated. Miles laughed. "You could at least try and protect me, instead of joining in on the bullying." Alex felt bad. It wasn't like there were specific instructions on how to do this. He was just as lost as anyone else.

"Miles please don't be mad." He wasn't mad he was just disappointed. "'M not mad." Alex smiled he leaned in and kissed him. He was kissed back. Miles let a hand run down the boy's thigh. He gently got on top of him. Alex quietly moaned as his neck was bit. He let his hands trail to different places. He bit his lip. Then he suddenly stopped. "This is wrong." He muttered pulling his shirt back on. "No, it's not babe," Alex whispered. "You're so fuckin' mean to me though...y-your friends are mean and I can't-" His eyes stung. Alex saw the tears and immediately felt bad. He was shitty. "Just leave me alone." He was all alone left in his thoughts.


He took a swig of his beer as Jamie turned on the game. They were watching Manchester and Sheffield Wednesday. "So...why do ya guys beat Miles up?" He asked them randomly. "Who the fag?" Matt asked. "'s not like he relleah did nowt to us yanno." He pointed out. "But he's gay," Jamie stated. "I know and thas gross but...I feel bad for it, he's still a person." He reminded them. "Has the fag seduced you or summat?" They roared and laughed. "Wot the fuck no! 'M not a homosexual." "Sureeee." He didn't bring it up again. Even in a room full of his best friends, he felt so alone. He missed Miles, his soft hands running through Alex's long hair. His lover? The title made him smile a little bit.

Later that night when he was still a little drunk he found himself walking 20 minutes after slipping away from Matt's. He began throwing rocks at the boy's window until he eventually climbed up to it, this was no easy task. He'd almost broken his ass. "What?!" Miles cried out opening it. Alex stumbled in. "I walked in the cold t-to see you." He didn't appreciate Miles' attitude. "Okay?" "Miles I...I missed you." He looked small by himself. Alex played with his hands. "You're best friend or whatever. And I miss kissing you...b-but we don't have to if you don't want to. Just let me at least hang out wif you okay?" He didn't reply for a few seconds. "Okay fine." Alex went over and hugged him. Miles laughed as he made them fall onto his bed. "I missed you." He flipped them over as he pulled Alex's jacket off. "Wait wait what are those?" Huh?"

Miles gulped staring at the marks. They were small and black...the size of a cigarette. "Just kiss me." He went too but his eyes trailed once more. "But I think we should talk about it." Miles pressed. "No," Alex said forcefully. "Fine." He muttered getting off of him. "This was stupid of me to come here." Miles sat in front of his guitar not acknowledging Alex. He started to play a love song he'd been working on. "Can you sing for me?" Alex asked playing with his thumbs. "Okay...only if you talk to me about it afterward." Alex sighed dramatically. "Fuckin' fine."

"It's called colour of the trap." Maybe it was the alcohol but he'd felt as if he were being serenaded. "You're realleh great Mi." The nickname made his heart flutter, along with those dopey eyes he had. "So talk to me." "Can we smoke while we do tha'?" Alex asked smiling. "Sure." Bugs could be heard chattering from every direction. The cigarette made him more at ease as he inhaled slowly. "So...why do you do it?" He asked quietly. The wind whistled around them as the leaves shook. "Fuck...I don't know I jus' do." "You do know you're jus' embarrassed to tell me," Miles muttered. "How could I not be?" "Because I'm supposed to be your boyfriend-" He immediately regret those words. "Milessss what?" He asked laughing. "Sorry, that's not what I-" His rambling ended with a light kiss. It was soon deepened. His mouth was warm and inviting. Miles' hands gripped the older boy's thighs. "Maybe we should go back in there?" He said tossing the cigarette.

Soon they were underneath his sheets. Miles' hands gripped his arse, as he slowly got on top in between his legs. He kissed and sucked softly on Alex's neck. His groans were quiet along with small curses. Miles' hand pleasured hum underneath his briefs. "Ohhh..." He whispered the overstimulation from his neck caused them to become louder. "Fuckkk..." The boy certainly how to work his hands. "Uh...uh..." He moaned louder. "Does it feel good?" Miles asked softly. "Yeah...yeah fuck." He whispered as his eyes closed. Miles pulled the skin back exposing his tip, he ran his fingers against it. "Ah...ahhh." He was so sensitive there. Miles felt the liquid leak out into his fingers. "Already?" "Mmm shut up. Alex whispered into his chest. They fell asleep curled up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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