Chapter 2

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(I apologize for taking a while to update, but I tried to make this chapter longer. Let me know what you think loves!)

"So, are you going to untie me or what, moneybags?" I mocked him.

He darted his eyes at me, irritated by my comment. Then, he began to untangle the mess of ropes I was being restrained in, and with a slight tug, I was free. I wiggled my sore arms as he put away his instruments of torture. When he came back, I heard the slight push of a door opening.

"Dandy! Dandy, darling, I'm home!" The voice of a friendly older woman chimed out.

What kind of a name is Dandy? I chuckled to myself, quickly stopping myself as the lady came into the room.

"Oh, Dandy I see you've brought a guest." She said, her face full of concern for a moment, then softening once again.

"Mother, this is -"

"Lucille," I interrupted him, "But my friends call me Lucy." I tried to flash a reassuring smile to her, which seemed to do some good.

"Anyways," Dandy continued, acting as if he was annoyed I'd just saved his ass, "I met Lucy in town today, and she's in need of some help. She'll be staying here for a while mother, so make her stay comfortable." And with that, he walked out of the room, walking up the stairs. Had the man-boy forgotten I was here out of force?

I began to focus back on his mother, who was now timidly smiling at me. "I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you letting me come into your home like this. How can I repay you?" In order to make this made-up story on needing a place to stay to work, I knew I needed to make it seem as if I was here voluntarily. A few moments later, she began to speak.

"Nonsense, darling. No need to repay us. But if you feel you must do something, I have a small request."

Intrigued, I asked her, "What is it that you need, ma'am?"

Reluctant to say anything, she finally piped up, "Although it may not seem so, Dandy can be a troubled boy. It's a shame, he truly does have a gentle heart. He tends to have a hard time showing it, though. So if you can just please accept his mood-swings and still be a good companion to him -"

"Don't worry, miss. When he's with me, I'll try my best to be patient." I said, slightly cutting her off. My words seemed to please her.

"Now, before I forget, we're hosting a small get together at our home tonight. We simply must have you looking and feeling your best. Come, come, follow me dear."

She led me upstairs to what appeared to be her bathroom. I gazed at the enormous space in the room itself, and how everything in the room matched perfectly. The towels looked fluffy, and a vibrant sea-green. Even the sinks themselves were in the shapes of shells. Lost in my own daydream, the sound of Dandy's mother's voice brought me back to reality. "I have your bath all set for you. We can have your clothes washed, if you like. I'll go and find you a suitable outfit for tonight while you clean up." I listened to the sound of her heels click along the tile floor before closing the door to begin undressing. I'm much too ashamed of my body to undress in front of anyone.

Relaxing in the suds from my lovely bubble bath, I was startled when she reappeared not long after. "Oh darling, I have found the most stunning dress for you! I'll have it right here for you to change into when you're ready."

Sheesh, this woman truly did not know the definition of personal boundaries. But I shrugged it off, she was kind and for that, i enjoyed being around her.

As she predicted, the dress was flawless. I poofed out the crinoline skirt a bit more to give the illusion that I had hips. It was a beautiful light pink, which generally wasn't my color, but something about the dress allured me.

"Look at how lovely you look! Come, come, I'll help you with your hair and makeup." Dandy's mother called out from across the room. I was glad she was willing to help, I haven't met such a kind soul like hers in so long. A part of me pitied her, she seemed awfully alone in such a huge home.

"Thank you so much, miss -" I began to speak, but she finished my sentence for me.

"Mrs. Mott. But please, call me Gloria." She smiled, while brushing out the little knots in my damp hair.

Hair curled into perfect little ringlets, I began to feel like my younger self. Visions of my mother combing out my hair and rolling it flashed through my mind, giving me a sense of euphoria mixed with an intense longing to see her again. Maybe this was my purpose to come to this house - to feel like myself again.

"You know, I always wanted a girl of my own, but alas it wasn't meant to be. Dandy's father passed away when he was young, and there was no time to have another." Gloria said, breaking the silence.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Gloria. I know how that must feel, my mother died when I was 14..." I hated saying it out loud. Always makes me realize that it's true, I suppose.

Just as our sentimental moment began, it quickly ended as well, to the sound of Dandy calling for his mother to hurry up. She began to rush to apply my eyeliner wing, but somehow still perfecting it. A few minutes later, we were gliding down the stairs, or should I say Gloria was. I on the other hand was barely making it, for I didn't have much experience in heels.

I noticed Dandy pacing back and forth beneath the stairs, almost as if he were nervous about something. But I knew the boy had nothing to worry about, and probably never had a care in the world. Then, we locked eyes. The feeling was unlike anything I'd ever felt before, all I remember is the fluttering left behind in my stomach.

"Mother, I can handle it from here." He mumbled, giving her a reassuring nod. She walked away from the scene, leaving me dreadfully lost in what exactly was going on.

Smiling at me, Dandy led me to the dining room, his hand intertwined in mine.

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