Chapter 11

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As my eyes slowly crept open, I scanned the room, desperately trying to make out s familiar object with no luck of doing so. I tried to process what had happened, but I was stopped by a throbbing pain in my abdomen.

What the hell? There was a gash where my lower stomach once was, covered by several layers of bandages. I felt tears threatening to escape my eyes at the thought of Dandy doing this to me.

But before I could start blubbering like a newborn baby, a young nurse came in to check on me. She sweetly pursed her lips into a soft smile, genuinely glad to see me awake.

"Good to see you're awake, Mrs. Lucy. Your vitals seem to be stable enough to let you go later this afternoon," She carried over a bouquet of roses to my bed, along with a letter attached at the front.

"Your beau seems to care an awful lot about you," she gushed, as if she were a little girl in a fantasy, "He payed for your treatments already, and came to check on you everyday last week. It's a shame, though, he hasn't been by the past few days."

She walked off as I could feel heat rising in my cheeks. Flustered enough, I practically tore open the envelope, ready to devour every word of Dandy's letter.

I'm afraid I've crossed the line this time. I've hurt you and I couldn't fix it. Now that I know you're safe and sound resting, I want you to continue and live your life with all the fulfillment you deserve. Attached with this letter is one thousand dollars. Please spend it wisely and take care of yourself.

As much as it pains me to let you go, I couldn't live with myself if I were to hurt you again. Nothing can compare to this dust and emptiness I feel inside of me, but it is better this way than to have you buried next to mother's rose bushes. I still love you, Lucy.

-Dandy Mott

No. This couldn't be. I read the letter over and over, trying to make sense of the letters before me. Snap out of it, Lucy! Just take the damn money and get the hell out of here!


A few hours later, the nurse who spoke to me earlier called a cab for me, as I had explained the man who had come to visit me wasn't planning on picking me up from the hospital. She gave me a weird look, but I tried my best to ignore it given the circumstances. I didn't have too much time to dwell on it though, as one of the nursing assistants rushed me into the cab.

"Where to, miss?" The driver hollered out at me, making me lose my train of thought. I bit my lip. I hoped to god I was doing the right thing.

Dandy, here I come.

Peering out the window as the scenery practically flew right past me, the car eventually came to a creaky stop. I steadied myself, legs weak from lack of use over the past couple of weeks. I didn't think it was possible, but any weight I had gained over the past few months of being with Dandy had vanished, leaving me as scrawny as I did when he first captured me.

My heart was practically beating out of my chest. Knock. Knock. Knock. I didn't even realize that I was actually at his door until I saw the door unlock and slowly open.

Dandy's facial expressions immediately softened when his gaze met with mine. I think he didn't know what to say just as much as I didn't.

"May I come in?" I whispered, practically as mousy as a girl like me could, "I need to talk to you."

He nodded, slightly moving out of the way of the doorframe to let me glide in. Silently, he guided me into the living room, where he went in the corner to make a mixed drink for himself, completely forgetting to ask me if I cared for any.

"Dandy, I read your letter." I stammered, barely able to make my tongue form words anymore.

"I don't want to leave, Dandy. I... I can't leave. Believe me, I don't know why the hell I can't. You're an asshole, moneybags rich kid who doesn't give a shit about anyone. Then again, I know deep down..." I didn't know what I was saying anymore, I was never the best with my emotions. The last time I even attempted was grade school, and you see how much that helped me.

"You're so much more than that." I weakly smiled at him, trying to bring him back to reality.

Suddenly, his green eyes brightened once more, like a child's on Christmas Day. "Do you really mean it? Oh, please say that you do, Lucy!"

Although I couldn't speak, and looking into his eyes made me feel as if I were in a trance, I jerkily nodded my head, smiling harder than ever.

"But... But I hurt you. What about that, Lucy? You've been scarred."

I smirked at him, "You mean the mark on my stomach? Eh, it rather suits me."

The next thing I knew, he rushed towards me, eliminating the space between us as he landed his lips on mine. I'd never felt like this before, but at the same time I couldn't deny it.

"There's something I need to show you," he mumbled as he pulled his face away from mine. The change in his voice startled me, and left me as curious as ever.

I desperately tried to keep up with his walking pace, but seeing that he was zooming up the stairs, it was almost impossible. He came to a screeching halt at the playroom door.

"I want you to meet someone, Lucy. Well, actually, two someone's." He gushed, like a little kid receiving their first valentine. Cautiously, I nodded, giving him the que to open the door.

"Lucy, I want you to meet my darlings, Dot and Bette."

WOAAAAH I CANT BELIEVE THIS HAS 100 HEARTS YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING ❤️ IM SO BLOWN AWAY AT HOW MUCH YOU GUYS LIKE THIS FANFIC. I'm sorry it took so long to update, I've been very ill lately :c and I also apologize for this shitty chapter, but next chapter will DEFINITELY make up for it. I'll try to have it out soon for you babes, I love you all!

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