Chapter 4

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Gloria, who must have kept her eye on me the whole night, quickly came to my side as I began to appear more and more distressed. Her sweet smile calmed me down, but when she asked me if I was alright, I knew it was a question I couldn't answer myself.

"Darling, how about we go upstairs and get you ready for bed? I'm sure you're absolutely exhausted!" She turned to Dandy, "Dandy, you get ready for bed as well. You were lovely tonight, my little darling."

Although she tried unbelievably hard to receive some form of affection from Dandy, all she got from her efforts was a nod from him. It confused me, how he was so mean to his own mother.

Lost in thought, I began to walk upstairs with Gloria. She led me to a bathroom, completely different looking than hers. The walls were a beautiful sunset orange, with occasional pops of yellow-orange toiletries to match the walls. While I explored around the bathroom, Gloria returned to me with folded clothing in her hands.

"I sincerely hope you don't mind, love, but we have no new nightclothes for you. But here's one of mine, and a robe to match. They should fit you quite well, but if they don't feel free to let me know." She spoke with warmth, yet her voice was so timid.

"One more thing, darling. Dandy would like to see you in his playroom. Remember, be gentle with him, he has a hard time opening up and making friends, dear."

I looked up at her, my heart rate accelerating as she spoke. "Of course, Mrs. Mott. It's not a problem to be kind to him, he's a nice young man." I smiled weakly. A part of me knew I was lying to her face, but another part of me was unsure. I had been playing these games to keep alive and I already couldn't tell if he was playing them as well, or if he was being genuine.

"It's strange - really - I've never seen him take such a liking to someone before." Gloria beamed at me, then handed my nightgown to me.

As she walked out, I began to French braid my hair back. My mother taught me how to when I was younger, and I continued the tradition because I loved the look so much. Or maybe I just liked to feel close to her again. I put on my nightgown and quickly tied my robe, revealing my neck and collarbones. I felt disgusted with myself when you could visibly see I was skinny. But considering how thin I was, I figured I'd hidden it as well as I could.

Slowly, I glided along the cool floor to the area known as "Dandy's playroom". I wasn't a fool, and that the only kind of playroom a grown man would have is one full of provocative perversion. I attempted to prepare myself for whatever may happen to me, choking back any fear that I could.

I double tapped on the door to make sure I was about to enter the right room.

"Come in!" A voice called out to me.

As I opened the tall, elaborate door, I was very surprised as to what I saw. The playroom wasn't covered in roses and candlelight, but stuffed animals and board games. It was definitely the most colorful room in the house, with a couch front and centered in the room. Dandy was already seated, so I walked over to where he was, pleasantly relieved.

"Don't you look stunning tonight, Lucille." He gazed up at me, a wild spark in his eyes.

I couldn't help but say something smart back, even though I didn't necessarily want to. "Aren't you the charmer, moneybags."

Judging from the look on his face, I shouldn't have said that. His intriguing smile faded and his brow furrowed. "Call me moneybags one more time," he snapped, "and I'll have to start calling you tiny tits." He looked back at me, now with a wicked smile.

I smiled back at him. I had to admit, I appreciated his ability to hand my sassiness right back to me. But he should know he can't top me.

Grabbing up a nearby pillow, I whacked him on the head with it, with moderate force. This seemed to shock him - anger him - and I could tell he was a volcano just about to erupt.

"What's the matter, don't you know how to play?" I asked him, my childish side now coming out to play. He looked back at me, with a particular sadness in his eyes. I couldn't help but feel slightly bad for him.

"It's a pillow fight. You see, pillows don't really hurt you. So it's safe to hit people with, and they can pick up a pillow and hit you back. C'mon, I'll let you get a free hit in." I smiled at him, ready to have the air knocked out of my lungs.

Sure enough, he hit me on the top of my head, but not nearly as hard as I'd expected. I grabbed a pillow as I prepared to hit him back but he had already hit me a second time. Game on, I thought as I began whacking him with the fluffiest pillow in the room.

Laughing and giggling all the way, our pillow fight had left us catching our breaths, along with feathers flying all around the room. We lied down on the floor, him catching his breath, meanwhile I was still laughing much too hard to catch mine. After a few minutes, all was calm and we lay in silence. I wasn't looking at him, but I could feel his eyes on me and hear a barely audible chuckle escape from his lips.

"Tell me, Dandy, why did you want me here?"

I turned to him, noticing he was still smiling. Then he responded,
"Oh, Lucille, don't you see? We're opposites. We complete eachother."

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