Chapter 7

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I awoke to the bright sunlight spilling warmth over my creamy-white bedsheets, the sensation itself causing me to smile. Looking over at the clock, I checked the time. 8 o'clock already - I knew Gloria had already left for her trip by now. I stretched my feet while reaching for the ground and made my way towards the kitchen.

As I made myself a fresh brew of coffee, Dandy popped into my mind. Perhaps he'd respond well to a nice surprise if I made him breakfast in bed. Even if he wouldn't, it'd be a nice gesture and I could get some of this guilt off of my back.

As I walked into his room, I noticed his bed was completely empty. That's weird, I guess he must already be awake. I haven't heard a sound from him though.

If he wasn't in his room, theres only one other place he liked to spend time- the playroom. Dreading going in, I tapped on the door, slightly opening it. Still no response. Maybe something bad had happened, after all. Slightly panicked, I entered the room searching for him.

Blood was trailed along the floor like a red carpet hall-of-fame event. I followed the steam and was taken aback by the source. A woman lied on the floor, but I was unable to identify the woman because her head was completely decapitiated.

I tried to hush my cries by covering my mouth, knowing Dandy couldn't be far away. What should I do - turn him in? No, I couldn't, for Gloria's sake if nothing more. I had promised her I would take care of Dandy while she was away and I intended on keeping that vow if it were the last thing I do.

The light creak of the door startled me, and queued for me to maintain my composure. I tried my best to hide the tear forming in the corner of my eye, and to my advantage, Dandy looked far too giddy with excitement to notice much of anything.

"Isn't this wonderful? Now we have something to do while mother's away." He cheered, a large grin spreading across his face. "We'll take care of the body now, I already have a spot picked out. Hurry, I don't want to waste our day on these leftovers."

I felt heat radiating to my cheeks with fury at his words. It was beyond me how he could see no wrong in his actions. But I knew Dandy and I had begun to know him well, I also knew that going along with his madness was much easier than trying to contain it.

With a simple heave, he carried the body out of the room and downstairs, obviously not caring one bit about his clothes becoming stained in Crimson. I threw on my bedroom slippers and chased after him, still silent from shock. Once we were outside, he led me to a beautiful, thick rose bush, covered in blossoming buds that were a vibrant red. For a moment, I forgot what I was doing out here, gazing out into the sunrise. I was quickly interrupted by Dandy's snappy voice.

"Didn't you hear me? I've told you a million times already, we're digging an area behind this bush. Come on, pick up your shovel already and let's get this done." He looked slightly annoyed, so I quickly obeyed his orders and began to dig a hole large enough for what we needed. Dandy began to dig as well, standing side by side until we had created a suitable grave. Luckily, Dandy took care of everything else, because I don't think I could have physically or emotionally been able to handle any more.

As he finished up on the final touches of the woman's final resting place, he arose from the ground with uncontrollable vitality. His smile was not one of a typical maniac on the brink of insanity, but instead a completely alluring gleam. To be so corrupt, he had this childlike innocence to him - something so rare to find in a person.

He turned his attention to me, closing up the space between us. Cupping my cheeks in both of his hands, Dandy leaned closer to my face as his lips lightly, - and hastily - touched mine. Naturally, I was immediately filled with lustful butterflies in my stomach, making me lose focus on anything else but him. He looked back at me, seeming to be uneasy of what he had just done. I smiled at him before planting a small kiss on his cheek, attempting to calm his nerves. It seemed to do the trick, for the next thing I knew he was holding onto my hand and leading me back inside.

"I have a surprise for you. I was going to wait for tonight, but then I thought to myself, 'Why wait?'" He grinned as he looked back at me, then picking me up to carry me into the house. I was completely caught up in my own infatuation for Dandy, but at the same time I couldn't help but be weary of him.

Placing me back on the ground right before the bathroom, he opened the door and held it out for me, waiting for me to enter. As soon as I did, he raced to the bathtub and began filling it with water. He spent a few minutes in front of the water, appearing to be preparing a bubble bath for himself. When he backed away from the water, I immediately noticed the garnet liquid in the tub, slowly filling up.

Panic filled my head and I began to turn towards the door, but Dandy was one step ahead of me. Dammit, I knew I shouldn't have allowed myself to get caught up in that kiss. Maybe if I would've kept a level head, I wouldn't be in this mess. Gently, he placed his hand on my cheek, stroking me and intwining our hands with his free hand. I had never seen him behave so romantic before.

"Shh, shh, shh. Don't be afraid. We're in this together, okay?" He cooed, relaxing me into his touch. "Now, let's take our bath before the water gets too cold for us."

(Thank you guys so much for 1k views! I'm actually surprised so many people have read this, but I'm so glad. I'm really sorry this is so late, and I do promise I will try to update more frequently, but school has been more demanding than usual and i'm drained from it all. Anyway, please leave a comment telling me what you think of the chapter! ♥️)

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