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Remus waltzed over to where Janus and Roman were settled. With his mustache as thick and greasy as ever Remus slapped his hand down onto Janus's shoulder, a disturbing grin on his face.

"Remus! What are you doing? You can't just grab people you don't know!"

"People I don't know!? Would someone I don't know let me trash their guest room?"

"If they did, I'd suggest they reconsider their life choices. Wait a minute "

"You see dear brother of mine, Janus and I are roomies. Aren't we JanJan?"

The rat man drawled, pulling Janus in for a one way side hug.


Janus sighed, attempting to pry himself from Remus's grasp.

Roman sat there in utter confusion.


"Well Roman," Remus started, seating himself in a chair. "Me and Janjan over here have been buds for a while now... didn't I tell you about him Romcom?"

The ginger stood up and leaned over the table, grabbing his brother by the shirt he yelled directly into his ear.


Janus watched the fraternal brothers one sided fight while lazily sipping his coffee.

"Alright kiddos that's enough."

Patton beamed, struggling to pry Roman away from Remus.

"Heya Patton cake how ya doing?"

"Just dandy," He smiled at the mustached twin. "Alright Roman, I think it's about time you get back to work."

Roman sighed, glaring at his brother while walking back to the counter.

Remus looked down at his friend, an amused smile on his face.

"So.. exactly how long has my brother been flirting?"

He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"About an hour." Janus sighed, an almost invisible smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Ohohoho does someone have a crush?"

"Yes. you're brother."

"Now then seeing as you've finally arrived we should be on our way,"

Janus grabbed his coat and coffee making his way to the door.

"Remus, are you coming?"

Janus questioned, peering over his shoulder.

"No, I already did about two hours ago."

The blond retracted at Remus's remark, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Don't be like that Janus, you know you walked right into that one."

Janus made his way out the door, no longer caring if the vulgar rat of a man followed.

"Janus wait."

Roman chimed, leaning over the counter.

He stopped, facing Roman. The two making eye contact.

"If you two are going to start flirting again then I'm waiting in the car."

Remus announced slamming the door behind him.


Roman shouted at his brother while he made his way to the breath-taking blond.

"Uh- anyway."

Roman looked behind him to where Patton was standing. The short boy gave him a closed eye smile and a supportive thumbs up.

With his now inflated ego Roman looked directly into Janus's soul, a confidant smile painting his face.

"What is it you wanted to say, Roman?"

He asked gently, his voice dripping with honey like sweetness.

Roman's face flushed as he scratched the back of his neck, his confidence eroding slightly.

"I just wanted to say-"

He gulped.

"I enjoyed our talk. I'd like to do this again sometime."

Janus raised an eyebrow.

"Is that all?"

"Ah- no. I was wondering if maybe- could I get your number?"

An amused smile flashed across the blond's face as he pretended to contemplate this.


Roman looked at him full of confusion and curiosity, only widening the ever present grin across his face.

Janus turned and walked towards his bentley, facing Roman only when he stood by the car door.

"See you around."

He opened the door and slipped in, pulling out of the Starbucks parking lot.

Roman watched, a goofy and confused smile plastered on his face. He stood there, lost in thought, for a moment before wandering back into the building, humming an all too familiar Disney song.

———————————————————————————Here's all the sides as humans. Again the pictures were made by MusicalObsessedGurl because they're an amazing human being.

 Again the pictures were made by MusicalObsessedGurl  because they're an amazing human being

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