On a Very Special Episode...

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"Mommy what's taking so long I thought we were going somewhere?" I asked as I walked into our neighbors house without knocking. I saw Mrs. Wanda and Mr. Vision standing over cribs and looking confused

I should probably introduce myself, I'm Lucy and I'm four right now. My mom's name is Agnes and my dad is Ralph. I don't like ralph very much he's a meanie, and for some reason I don't remember much from before now but that's okay I'm sure it's nothing.

"Sorry Mr. Vision and Mrs. Wanda, I'm looking for my mom, I could've sworn she was here." I looked down at my feet ashamed. 

"It's fine sweetie, who's your mom again," Mrs. Wanda asked me with a smile on her face. I looked at her confused because I'm sure she knows me, but she is old.

"Agnes." The couple looked at each other for a moment in confusion and then back at me.

"Why don't you sit on the couch and wait for her darling, she's around here," Mr. Vision said.

"You got it dude," I nodded and sat on the couch happily swinging my feet without a care in the world. 

"Mommy, Daddy," I heard to boys say from behind me.

"Ahhh, kids," my mommy laughed from where she was in the kitchen with a glass in hand. "You can't control them, no matter how hard you try." 

"Mommy," I yelled and went over and hugged her. She looked lost and confused but didn't say anything, she didn't even hug me back for a second so I thought she was mad at me until she hugged me back. 

"Oh hey my little blizzard, how's my favorite girl?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"You were meant to take me to the park while you went to jazzercise," I complained annoyed. 

"You can play with us," one of the boys said from Wanda's arms. "Yeah, I'm Billy and this is Tommy," the other boy in Vision's hands, Billy, said. "We're twins," Tommy said. 

"I'm Lucy," I said excitedly happy to have someone to play with. "Can I mommy, please, please, please, pleeeaaaasssssseee," I begged. 

"Of course Luce," she laughed and I gave her a hug and ran over to the twins who were already looking at their parents with puppy dog eyes and I joined them from where I was on the ground. 

Mr Vision and Mrs Wanda looked at each other both seemingly equally confused but nodded their head yes nonetheless and put the twins down.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Commercial break~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I don't think he likes the water," Billy said on my right. 

You see the three of us found a dog and so we want to keep it and take care of it so we're giving him a bubble bath in the sink. 

"I think he's fine Billy, right Tommy," I said and looked at Tommy who was on my left. We've already formed a mini alliance against Billy when we had a water gun fight.

"Yeah Billy he's fine," Tommy said taking my side, and we high fived. 

"You didn't let me finish," Billy huffed, "we have to get him clean so mommy can let us keep him."

"Tommy, Billy, Lucy," we heard Wanda calling. The three of us looked at each other in panic.

"Oh, no! Mommy's coming," Tommy said. The three of us turned around and created a wall so that she can't see all the bubbles if she comes into the kitchen which she did two seconds later.

"You know, I don't miss the crying, but jeez Louise, did you have to learn to walk? You three never stay put," I opened my mouth to defend myself but didn't get the chance, "yes you too Luce, you're just as bad as the boys." I shut my mouth and shrugged it off since she's not wrong.

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