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So I live in north Texas and incase y'all don't know it's been extremely cold and there was a big snow storm and a lot of people have lost power, electricity,etc. I luckily haven't lost any power yes but my brother and his family as well as my sister did and they stayed with us for two days, my sister is going back to her apartment today because she got power and my brother and his family is going with us. Yesterday a pipe in our house burst despite us keeping all the taps on and while we were trying to get the water out(everyone besides my dad who's still recovering) we all slipped and fell multiple times and my mom went to the ER last night because she was in a lot of pain, luckily she just bruised her bone but it was scary. Anyway we're going to a hotel today because we have no water, my neighborhood is scheduled for a blackout later today, and we had hardwood in our house that got ruined and since now both my mom and dad are both not feeling well and have difficulties walking it was the safest thing to do. There's a big chance that tomorrow's update may be a bit later then what I'd like it to be and maybe not that good and I'm sorry for that.

I hope you're all doing well and I hope you all stay safe ♥️♥️♥️

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