Chapter 8

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Two days.

Two. Fucking. Days.

And most of the skin on Tommy's hands had turned a scaly-looking gray, and his nails had begun to turn black.

They had gotten sharper.

Tommy was terrified.

No one knew what was going on. And currently, he was standing on the obsidian wall with Tubbo, Dream, Fundy, and Quackity. 

The blonde's wings were pressed against his back, feathers fluffed out in anticipation. 

"So? Your decision?" Dream hummed, back facing the group.

Tubbo exhaled shakily and sent a glance over his shoulder to his friends, his cabinet. He looked back to the man in green.

"I- I am so, so sorry, Tommy," The young president stood straighter. He laughed nervously. "I am so sorry. Dream," At the mention of his name, the man turned to face the group finally. "I have come to the decision, that is best for the country."

"Tommy is to be.."

"Exiled from L'manberg."

The teenager's jaw dropped and his eyes widened to the size of saucers. Quackity and Fundy burst into yelling, confused, shocked, and betrayed. 

Tommy sure felt betrayed.

"Tubbo, what-"

"Dream, please detain and escort Tommy out of my country."

The avian stared at his friend. 

He felt so, so betrayed. And sad, and frustrated-

A hurricane of emotion was whirling inside of the blonde's head at that moment.

Suddenly, a firm grip on his arm snapped his out of his thoughts, and he was being dragged off of the wall and away from L'manberg.

His home.

The place he gave everything up for.

He watched as Fundy and Quackity went up to Tubbo, yelling, before the brunette hopped down off of the wall and out of sight. The pair turned to watch Tommy disappear behind buildings with Dream. 

When had his life gotten so screwed around?


Tommy curled his wings close to his back with a shiver.

Beside him was a jukebox, humming the tune of one of the discs Tommy had. 

The boy in question was a mess. His shirt was tattered, his pants in a similar condition, and his wings had seen better days. They were dirty and had old feathers sticking out. Some areas revealed skin where Tommy had plucked them out due to stress. He was thinner, and his eyes were such a dull blue that they appeared to be gray.

Speaking of gray, the skin upon his hands was completely gray now. They seemed to be Anisodactyl in appearance. His nails were thick and black in color, and were dull from how little the boy sharpened them.

The feathers along his arms had spread up to his elbow now. He could feel the tickle of the feathers on his face sometimes, and he had found some in his hair early on in exile.

When people visited.

People didn't visit the avian anymore. Ghostbur's visits had even cut down, and the blonde hadn't seen the spirit in weeks.

He looked longingly at the blue cottage for a moment.

It was dark, and Tommy should really be asleep right now. The distant hisses from spiders and groans from zombies seemed to give him more of a reason to.

Tommy's brain wouldn't allow him to sleep.

Besides, he slept yesterday. He'd be okay, right?

The disc in the jukebox finished with a hiss. Tommy figured it would be the salt in the air messing with the machine, but he had no idea how to clean it, nor did he have he motivation.

He drew his knees up to his chest and rested his chin on them. He curled his arms around his legs and watched the sea, not bothering to rise and have the jukebox replay the song.

Clouds in the distance told Tommy a storm would be coming soon. One could only tell because the stars were gone in a particular area.

Tommy sighed, letting his eyes close and his thoughts become a hurricane.


hello there! i was honestly not going to continue this story, but with all of the feedback i've been getting from it, i decided i'd write in this sucker again!

updates may be few and far between, but i promise they'll be out at some point. thank you all so much! <3

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