Chapter 13

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Tubbo has no idea what he'd just seen.

Well, part of him did.

A bird. But-

A huge one.

He's sure it was twenty feet tall, with its massive wingspan and talons that had gripped Technoblade off of the stage - really a quick platform that they had refined and polished and everything, and Quackity insisted on splattering the Piglin's blood all over it - like a pack of grapes.

That's another thing- Technoblade has a bird under his control?

Tubbo is very worried. Very, very worried.


Tommy drops Technoblade into the snow unceremoniously as he flaps his wings to avoid running straight into the cabin. He turns and then crashes into a snow bank with a shriek. His eyes are flooded with a mixture of white powder and ice chunks, and he screws them closed instinctively.

He feels snow pack under his feathers as he rolls out of the spread-eagle position he'd been thrown into, wings splayed and tail feathers spread like a fan. He shakes his wings without thinking - really, he hasn't been thinking much at all. This new body had completely taken over his actions, aside from making noises, it seemed - as he rises to his talons, turning his neck to view Technoblade. 

The Piglin had rolled, though seemed unharmed as Philza and Ghostbur undid the ties around his hands. Nestled in his palms was a golden figure of great value, emerald eyes glaring in the mixture of torchlight and moonlight, staring into Tommy's soul and whispering in his mind. Thousands of voices wash over him like a tidal wave, encircling him like hungry sharks.

And then Technoblade shifts the totem from view and Tommy's mind is cleared. He shakes his head and ruffles his feathers, chunks of snow falling around his talons.

He watches as Technoblade stands, brushing snow off of his clothes. Phil turns to look at him, and Techno follows. Ghostbur is already drifting over with wide, milky white eyes.

"Thanks." Techno finally says, and Tommy looks over at him, his head tipping as he turns his body around fully. He blinks.

'Fuck you,' Tommy spits back in his head, because this stupid body wouldn't let him speak, wouldn't let him change back. 'Fuck you and this stupid bird brain. Fuck you.'

The bird part of him chirps back, and he apparently does so audibly. He digs his talons into the ground.

"You gonna turn back, mate?" Phil asks, looking him up and down. Tommy, in response, spreads his wings.

'No, no no no no. We are NOT doing this again-' He wants to bristle and spit and hiss and do a lot of bad things to these stupid instincts that suddenly appeared as he slams his wings down and takes off. 

His body leads him to the trees as he hears the shouts of Phil and Techno fade, and he lands with a slight stumble.

Nest is repeated in his brain as his body moves around, gathering sticks and branches in his beak. Some tumble to the ground, but he moves on. He doesn't have a lot when he takes off again, but his brain seems satisfied.

A nest. He wants to scowl as he drops back down by Techno's cabin. The three are gone, and Tommy assumes they're inside as he drops the sticks. He feels drained, and he just wants to sleep. His instincts seem to agree, for once, and he drifts into the back of his mind as he'd led somewhere to rest. The branches are left, forgotten in the snow, as Tommy flaps once and jumps up to the porch.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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