Chapter 12

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*slams chapter down* who's ready for another one??

you should definitely check out my tumblr for some possible designs for tommy! ;] link will be in my bio for anyone interested <3

without further ado, enjoy!


The next day, Tommy's pacing around Techno's room, fingers buried in his hair.

It's weird, not being out in his tent where the breeze blew in and bit at the exposed patches of skin on his wings and body. It's weird that Techno and Phil of all people are acting like they care for Tommy's wellbeing.

And Tommy?

Well, he's having problems processing that.

He's also worried about Dream. What if, somehow, he hears from Tubbo that he's away from Logsted?

Scratch that, Tubbo's definitely going to tell Dream about him missing from Logstedshire.

Fear and anxiety hit Tommy like a tidal wave. He doesn't want to make Dream angrier with him, doesn't want to see Tubbo, doesn't want to return to Logstedshire where everything was bad and-

"Tommy? You up, mate?"

He jolts, stopping in his pacing at Phil's voice. Had he not heard him pacing? He looks down at his feet- no, talons, flexing his toes and watching claws curl.

Phil opens the trapdoor, and the sound of it hitting the wall makes Tommy flinch. The man lays his arms on the floor, lifting a brow at him.

"Techno's made some stew," He says. Tommy doesn't think he'll be able to eat. "C'mon, Tommy."

His head disappears, and he leaves the door open. Tommy sighs, fluffing out his feathers and then forcing them down. He could do this, it would be fine, right? He tells himself that as he climbs down the ladder, struggling with his wings for a bit. He makes it down finally, dropping to the floor with a slight flick of his wings. His mind drifts  to when he was with Wilbur, meeting Dream at the Holy Lands.

The memory sends a pang through his chest and he shoves it away.

"Morning," Techno hums from a kitchenette, stirring a pot on the stove. He fishes out a ladle-full after a moment, pouring it into a wooden bowl that was masterfully carved and whittled. He turns to Tommy. "Sleep okay?"

That question catches him off-guard, and he nods. "Uh, yeah. Think so."

Techno nods and turns back to the pot, and Tommy trails over. He ignores the feeling of his tail feathers nearly catching on grooves in the wooden floor, instead focused on the smell from the stove.

One of Techno's ears flick and he doesn't look up at him as he hands him the bowl and a wooden spoon. Tommy's stomach rumbles greedily, and his mind is stuttering into working again as he takes the bowl.

Didn't Techno feed him last night?? Why was he so worked up about this?

Ignoring the turmoil of emotions in his brain, Tommy makes his way over to the fireplace, which is being poked by Philza. The golden fire-poker comes out of the pile of burning wood with ash clinging to it. Phil looks up, gives him a gentle smile, and rises to go get a bowl from Techno.

Tommy ignores how weird everything is right now as he settles by the fire to eat. Flavors burst on his tongue like fireworks - a bad comparison, Tommy decides as his brain is filled with loud cracks and sparks of color, with blood and flesh and-

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