Chapter 11

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The Enderman-hybrid turns, his eyes wide, as he meets whoever called his name's gaze.

"Tubbo?" Ranboo asks. His tail swishes behind him in worry. Did he find out that he was visiting Tommy? Or did he figure out that he has a sort-of alliance with Technoblade?

"Ranboo," The goat-hybrid exhales. "Phil's gone."


Techno and Tommy both turn to look at the door as it swings open, a rush of cold air following whoever steps inside. Tommy's heart sinks to his feet as none other than Philza Minecraft enters the house.  The winged man stomps his boots against the porch before walking in. He hasn't seen Tommy yet, and maybe he should leave the room, but that would bring too much attention to himself-

"Hey Techno," Phil says as he hangs a cape. It's a baby blue, with the golden marking of the Antarctic Empire embroidered into the back. Then he turns and his eyes widen. "Tommy?"

Tommy's wings fluff out on instinct. "Phil."

"Oh my God, mate." Phil breathes. "You've- oh my God."

"Yeah." Tommy mutters. He turns his gaze to the floor out of habit,  and then turns to picking at one of his wings.

"You must be real warm." Phil tries. Tommy only hums, and Phil sighs. He turns his attention to Techno. "You been alright out here, mate?"

Tommy combs his fingers through his feathers, taking a moment to marvel at the way the fire makes the gold shimmer. Techno responds to Phil positively, and they have a small conversation about things that Tommy tunes out.

He tunes back into reality when his communicator buzzes softly against his wrist. Phil's and Techno's make a loud ping! noise.

Tommy opens his communicator and tips his head.


Tommy looks up at the man in question, who shares a look with Techno. Obviously, he doesn't respond to Tubbo.

"Right, mate. They'll probably come this way to check and see if I'm here." Phil says. Tommy's eyes widen.

"And- I'm not in Logstedshire. Oh shit." Tommy breathes. "Shit- I have to leave."

Phil's feathers ruffle. "Why's that such a bad thing?"

Tommy stills. "Uh- 'm supposed to, uhm. Not leave. Dream said as much so-"

Techno winces and Phil gives him a look to say that he knows there's more than that, but he won't push. 

"Just. Stay here, then." Techno says slowly, as if he's unsure of the decision himself. Tommy turns his head to look at him as he fiddles with the sleeves of the poet shirt he's wearing. 

His legs itch.

He ignores the feeling and frowns. "I dunno-"

"C'mon, mate." Phil says, gently. Tommy's breath hitches. His legs sting now. 

He scrambles up, wings flailing. "N-no, no no- I don't even know why I'm- no!"

The edges of his vision are starting to darken.

"Tommy- Tommy you need to calm down." 

Who's voice was that? 

"What's happening? Why's he-"

"I'll explain later- Tommy, listen to me!"

He feels hands grab his arms and taking his hands from his hair (when did that happen?), and he squawks, a noise that grates on his throat and then makes him still. It sounded so unhuman that he freezes and tenses up. He's breathing heavily, still.

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