Chapter 9

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Tommy drew his wings close to his back, the few undamaged feathers fluffing up defensively.

Dream was edging closer, and the axe-

Okay. Maybe he should start from the beginning.

So Tommy may or may not have - spoilers, he did!! - made a secret room under the little blue cottage Ghostbur had made to hide valuables from Dream. Said admin-owner found that room just a few days later when he came to visit.

That wasn't a lot of explaining to do, Tommy decided, even though he had no idea who he was explaining this too. The voices in his head?

Dream inched closer, snapping the blonde out of his seemingly endless train of thoughts.

"You lied to me, Tommy." The man in green hissed. "You are no longer allowed in the Nether. No one can come and visit you. I won't even visit you for a week. You're going to think about what you've done."

With that, Dream's threatening loom receded and he turned to the archway of Tommy's Nether portal. He snagged a block of TNT from his inventory, tossed it down, then grabbed his bow. Dream conjured an arrow, tipped with an enchanted flame, then shot at the TNT. He made his way into the portal and vanished.

The dynamite exploded, and Tommy's already rising anxiety spiked further.

And then he blacked out.


When Tommy came to, he was not in Logstedshire anymore.

He must've been far away, considering there was snow falling from the sky - the dark night sky - and wedging into his feathers. The patchy areas that he had created were gone, filled with brand new, shiny feathers. Both of his wings were glossy as if they'd just been preened.

Oh. Did he mention he was in the sky?

Wind blew against his face aggressively and the blonde panicked. Tommy had never been so high up that the trees looked tiny, or those little specks of light from some village looked like fireflies.

So the smart thing to do would be to panic more and let your wings stiffen up, right?


Now here he was, plummeting towards the earth. Or, well, more like glide-falling. Small peaks began to make themselves more prominent, and for a split second Tommy thought he saw a beacon before deciding flight was more important to get a ahold of.

The village he had seen previously was now closer- he could count the individual buildings if he wanted to. Which he didn't, because he was, y'know, falling. So to fix that, Tommy pushed his wings down as hard as he could. He shot forward, slowly gaining height in the air.

Tommy soared over the village, laughing hysterically. His life was practically falling apart, if it hadn't already, and now he was shooting over some village he had no idea how he came to find himself flying over.

The teenager began to circle the village, slowing in his flight. It felt- it felt nice to be flying, Tommy decided. It felt like he needed to be up here.

Like the sky was where he belonged his entire life.

Ignoring those feelings deep inside his brain and chest, Tommy landed in the snow. Which, oddly enough, wasn't that cold. He was in a trench coat, t-shirt and shorts, all in terrible condition, and without shoes. Granted, feathers covered his arms now, and parts of his lower legs. He probably looked like some cryptid.

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