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"Why does today feel so ominous?"

She knew that she was overreacting, that other couples didn't spend anywhere near as much time as they did together, but she had become accustomed to a life with Alejandro around all the time. Going back to her previous life would be nothing short of depressive.

"I don't like seeing you like this." He sat down next to her on the sofa and handed her a fresh cup of coffee.

They both raised their mugs and took a sip.

Neither of them had been able to sleep well that night. After they had made love, they had lay in bed in each other's arms, desperately clawing onto the other. Neither of them knew what the morning would entail. Hardy was confident that Alejandro would be removed from his position as Layla's bodyguard and replaced, but they all knew it wasn't as easy as that.

The chief of police was stern but fair and, in this case, they had made a mockery of her and of the police department with their secret relationship. What was worse was having it reported by both a civilian and a hostage, claiming that their relationship was common knowledge with the lead detectives on the case.

Someone needed to be punished, and Layla and Alejandro needed to be made an example of to make sure that this sort of thing didn't happen again.

Alejandro didn't agree with it, but he saw the reasoning behind it.

He knew the repercussions they would both face if their relationship were to be discovered but he hadn't cared, and he still didn't. A relationship with Layla, the love of his life, was worth this and so much more. If he could, he would take the brunt of the punishment for the both of them but unfortunately, that was not the way it worked.

To keep Alejandro on as her bodyguard any further, would be an absolute embarrassment, especially if the media were to get wind of it.

"Do you think they're going to make us stop seeing each other?" She asked, worried.

Alejandro scoffed, his body tense and tight. "Nothing is going to stop me from seeing you."

"You didn't answer my question."

"It's a stupid question." He groaned and pulled her into his side, resting his arm on the back of the sofa. "But I'd like to see them try."

Layla entertained the thought for a moment even though she knew that he would be totally against it, and for good reason to. "Don't overreact." She began cautiously but he cut her off, just as she expected.

"That's not a promising start."

It was too late to take her words back now.

"Do you think if we were to stop seeing each other, they'll let you stay on as my bodyguard?"

Alejandro send her a sharp look. "That's not an option."

"That's not what I asked." She huffed but couldn't help herself as she snuggled further into his side, turning her head to rest it on his shoulder. Here she was supposing that they break up – or even pretend to break up – just so he could stay on as her bodyguard, yet her body sought comfort from the very man she was suggesting breaking up with.

There was no way that was going to work.

"Can you answer my question, please?" She whispered, her voice quieter than before.

"The real question is, are you trying to break up with me?"

Layla scoffed. "That's a stupid question." She threw his words back at him. "I just thought we could pretend for a little longer, you know?"

Alejandro [Serrano Bodyguards #1]Where stories live. Discover now