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A L E J A N D R O   S E R R A N O 

"I know this isn't as high profile as you're used to," the lead detective slid the file across the table towards him, nudging it further when he didn't reach out for it. "But I don't have much of a choice." Detective Hardy didn't bother hiding his distaste as having to approach the man for help, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

And he considered employing Alejandro Serrano, a desperate measure.

"A little flattery always helps, Hardy. You should know that." The man pursed his lips and leaned back in his chair, his eyes appraising the file which he now held in his hands. "Why did you come to me with this?" He knew the answer. He just wanted Hardy to admit it.

"This is what you do." The detective pointed out with a sour look. "Or have you quit this, too?"

A ghost of a smile played on his lips at the jab. "You could have gone to anyone for this case. Why me?" He quirked a questioning eyebrow, his eyes glinting menacingly at his former classmate.

Hardy rolled his eyes but held his tongue. "You're the best in the business and you know that. You don't need me stroking your ego."

"You think about stroking me often then?"

Detective Hardy rolled his eyes and exhaled a deep sigh.

"What's so special about this case?" Again, he knew the answer to this too.

"You heard about that bank robbery yesterday?"

He nodded. "I've seen the news." He confirmed, having heard about it from one of his old friends in the police force within the hour of the tragic incident, as well as studying the news all last night. "Any fatalities?"

"One," the detective nodded. "We were only able to catch two of the perpetrators, the two that were left behind at the bank."

"And how do I come into this?" He asked even though he had guessed what his next job would be as soon as he had seen Hardy walking outside his detective agency through the security cameras. He had left the man waiting in the sitting room with his assistant for half an hour just for the kick of it.

"This is a very high-profile case and we need the best of the best."

Alejandro was the best bodyguard, and owned the best bodyguard agency there was in New York, definitely the best the NYPD had ever seen so bagging him for this job would be vital. Plus, his police background – even if left unfinished – helped.

"And you came to me?"

Hardy bit his tongue but nodded, nonetheless. "I'm not exactly happy about this but the first priority is keeping these people safe, even if you are an ass."

The man snorted at the last remark and glanced down at the file in his hands, flipping the front cover of it open to reveal the details of the person – or woman, in this case – he would be guarding for the unforeseeable future.

"So, what do you say, Alejandro?"

Alejandro skimmed over the details quickly, having already googled all the hostages and one fatal victim of the horrific bank robbery almost as soon as he had found out about it. He knew everything about them that was worth knowing, from where they went to high school, to what their profession is and who they had drinks with every Sunday night.

Being a bodyguard, it was in his best interests – and of his clients – to know everything about the people he was protecting. It was second nature to him now.

From all the hostages he had researched, one had stuck out to him.

Layla Abraham.

Reading about her had piqued his interest more than he dared to admit. He also did not dare to admit that his heart skipped a beat as the woman smiled back at him, her features soft and delicate, her smile large and her eyes greener than a luscious field on a perfect summer's day, captivating his particular attention.

Her file literally being thrown in his lap wasn't something which he had anticipated, but it was certainly far from unwelcome.

"What do you say? You in?" Hardy asked, hopeful.

His eyes lingered on the woman that smiled back at him before he glanced up at the detective. "I am at your service, detective."

Hardy smiled – unaware of the double meaning – and spared a few minutes to go over the details with Alejandro before he had to return to the police station to continue the investigation. Once he was gone, Alejandro sat back in his chair and glanced at the file again.

Layla Abraham. His new client.


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