Chapter 10

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Ilham sat on the couch, and though she was watching a movie with her children, she was too deep in thought to really be paying attention. Something was wrong with her sister. Lately Hana had been distracted, quieter than usual, and just a tad bit irritable. As Hana was not one to open up when pressed, Ilham didn't ask any questions, figuring she would talk when she was ready. But it was so obvious there was something bothering her, and Ilham's kind heart couldn't take it knowing she couldn't do anything about it.

She gave a smile as Dawud and Layla screeched with laughter at something Mater said. They were watching Disney's Cars, and were clutching matching action figures, all gifts from their Amu Houssam, and soon she got up to check on dinner, patting Dawud's head fondly as the little boy practically fell over from how hard he was laughing.

As she pulled the chicken out of the oven, she mentally went over everything that had happened in the past two weeks, trying to figure out if there had been anything that could have upset Hana. But once again she drew a blank, and just as she was putting the dressing in the salad, she heard the sound of a key in the door, and as Hisham stepped into the house, her children eagerly dashed towards him each one trying to reach him first.

"Baba! Baba look what I made in school!" Layla screeched as she shoved her newest coloring page towards him.

"MashaAllah it's beautiful habibti!" He said with a laugh as he kissed her head.

"Baba I got an A + on my math test!" Dawud exclaimed, and Hisham ruffled his hair fondly.

"That's my little man! MashaAllah good job Dawud!"

"Baba!" Mohammad exclaimed putting his hands up, and Hisham laughed before pulling his youngest son into his arms, and walking towards the living room, listening intently as Layla and Dawud began to show him their new gifts from their Amu Houssam.

Ilham watched her husband affectionately as he sat down, a large smile on his face as his children each clamored for his attention. As he looked up and caught her eye, he winked at her, and her cheeks flushed slightly. They had been married almost ten years and every day he went to work, she couldn't wait for him to come home. While she loved how much their children adored their father, sometimes she wished she got to him before they did because it was a good half hour before he could pry himself away to greet her.

She busied herself setting the table for dinner, and she was so engrossed in mixing the cake that when an arm slid around her waist she jumped in surprise.

"Oh! Habibi you scared me!" she exclaimed, and Hisham laughed kissing her on her neck gently.

"Sorry baby." He said with a grin. "Dinner smells wonderful."

She turned around to give him a proper hug.

"Thank you." As she pulled away he leaned forward and kissed her softly before resting his forehead against hers. They stayed like that for a few seconds, neither one speaking, simply enjoying each other.

A loud crash followed by crying, forced them to pull apart, and Hisham laughed.

"Is it my turn?"

"BABA!" came the sound of a bawling child, and Ilham grinned.

"You're being called."

Hisham shook his head in amusement before kissing her again.

"Later?" he asked softly, and she smiled before kissing him back.



The kitchen had been cleaned up, homework had been done, showers had been taken, teeth had been brushed, and all of the children were now asleep, leaving Mama and Baba with some much needed alone time.

Twice Upon Qadr - A Shot At Love **EDITING** Where stories live. Discover now