Houssam extended his hand, and Hana placed hers in his, marveling at the difference in size. She resisted a shiver at the warmth that flowed from his skin to hers. He grinned, noticing her reaction, before closing his fingers around hers, and bringing her hand up to his lips. As he brushed a soft kiss across her knuckles, she trembled slightly, and he tilted his head to the side.
"You okay?" he murmured, and she nodded, swallowing deeply as he took a step closer to her.
"Never better." She whispered back, and he smiled, before raising the hand that was intertwined with hers, and stroking a finger down her cheek.
They just stood like that for a few moments, their gazes locked with one another, before he stepped forward, and cupped her face in his hands.
"Can I try something?" he asked softly, and she nodded, afraid to move too much. He bent slowly, oh ever so slowly, and her lips parted in anticipation...
Hana lay in her hospital bed, the covers wrapped tightly around her. She was dreaming one of the most incredible dreams she had ever had and she didn't want it to end. It was also one of the most intense dreams she had ever had, and even though she still had her eyes closed, she could feel her face as red as a fire truck.
She would have loved to find out what happened in the dream, however she heard voices, and thinking it was her brother or sister, she pulled herself out of the dream induced haze, before opening her eyes...and screaming.
Before her stood two women she didn't know both carrying cameras.
"Miss Ismail! Can we get a statement about your relationship with Mr. Shaykh?" one of them asked, the other raising her camera to her face.
Before she could stop her, she had taken a few shots, and Hana quickly punched in the call light. Almost immediately a nurse came in, and upon seeing the two women, her eyes widened.
"Who let you in here!?" she demanded, and one of them shrugged. "Who are you!?"
"Missy Pike of Trash Talk." The other said extending her hand. "And this is my associate Caroline Bing." The nurse ignored their outstretched hands, stepped forward briskly, and ripped the cameras out of their hands. "Hey! You can't take that! It's our private property!"
"And this is a private room! You have no right to be in here without Miss Ismail's permission, and I will be keeping these cameras until the police arrive. Now get out!" she ordered, and the two reporters exchanged glances before slinking out of the room. The nurse turned towards Hana worriedly.
"Are you okay?"
Hana nodded.
"Yes just a little freaked out. I can't believe they had the nerve to come in here!"
The nurse, Wilma, nodded grimly.
"Unfortunately you are a mini celebrity now." She said, and when Hana looked at her in confusion, she reached to turn on the television where the eight o'clock news was playing.
Rumored fiancée of LA Lakers star Houssam Shaykh was in a near fatal car accident yesterday when escaping the paparazzi. She is currently at Meadow Wood Memorial Hospital where Shaykh was spotted yesterday bringing in close to two hundred white daisies. No word yet on when they plan to make their engagement public, but as Shaykh's Coach, Robert Hoffman passed away last night, causing the star to book an immediate flight back to LA, my guess is that they will wait for his return.
As Wilma turned off the screen, Hana stared at her in shock.
"Oh my God." She managed to get out, and the nurse rubbed a hand down her arm sympathetically.

Twice Upon Qadr - A Shot At Love **EDITING**
SpiritualHoussam Shaykh is living the dream. He is a big sought after basketball star who has his pick of teams, is recognized wherever he goes, makes millions per game, and gets to play his favorite sport for a living. He is even being called the 'Muslim Mi...