Chapter 36

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Houssam slammed his bedroom door, and turned around and punched the wall angrily. He stared at the crack for a few seconds before spinning around and beginning to pace up and down his room. He was not usually a violent or angry person but its like she brought it out in him! He wasn’t even sure why he was mad!

So she had told him they couldn’t be friends.

Big deal right?

It wasn’t a new concept to Houssam. In fact he had grown up always knowing that you just don’t be friends with the opposite gender. But she was different. He wanted to know all about her. He craved her company. He loved it when she was around, and her smile was literally like a breath of fresh air.

That wasn’t something you felt for just a friend.

Was it possible that he…?



He was with Kalthoum now. He couldn’t just come up all of a sudden with these feelings for someone else!

No it was just because he had gotten used to being around her and she had helped fill the emptiness inside, so now that she wasn’t there, it was painfully obvious. Kalthoum would fill the void soon enough, he just needed to spend more time with her. He was meeting her tonight after Maghrib, she would soothe his hurt feelings.

He began pacing again up and down the room, his agitation growing stronger by the minute, until he grabbed his gym bag. If he stayed in there any longer, Amir and Yusra would have a heck of a lot of holes in their walls.

He dashed downstairs, flying by a startled Yusra and began to lace up his sneakers.

“Where are you going?” Yusra asked in concern for her brother’s face was like that of a thundercloud.

“I need to work off some steam. I’ll be back at one.” He said this in Hana’s direction before yanking the door open so hard, the hinges made a groaning noise in protest. Sometimes he forgot his own strength.

“Houssam!” Yusra called after him, but he ignored her, tearing open his car door and getting inside. Before he had a chance to start the engine, Amir came out of the house, and towards his car

“Woah bro what’s wrong?!” he asked and Houssam angrily buckled his seatbelt before jamming the key in the ignition.

“Nothing. I just have to go.”

“Are you okay?” Amir asked gently, and Houssam sighed before putting his hands on the wheel.

“Hana and I got into a fight.”

Amir’s eyebrow raised.

“Uh when was this? Because when we left you guys like fifteen minutes ago you were one big happy family!”

Houssam snorted.

“We actually got into a fight a few weeks ago, but fixed it last night when she came. Well actually I thought we had fixed it, but as she so kindly pointed out, nothing has changed.”

“What was it about?” Amir asked curiously, for his brother was acting like someone who had been scorned by someone he loved.

Houssam hesitated for a second, not really sure he wanted to tell Amir what it was. Why? Because he knew his brother would take Hana’s side in this and he didn’t want to be reminded again that he was in the wrong.

“Um, she said we couldn’t be friends.”

Amir waited a beat of silence. 


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