Chapter 58

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"InshaAllah the condolences for the Siddiuq family on the loss of Umm Abdullah will be tonight after Maghrib prayer downstairs in the multipurpose room. InshaAllah we will be praying Janazah on her after Salatul Thuhur. Straighten your lines, and pray as if this is your last prayer."

As Sheikh Saad made the announcement about Abdullah's mom, Hana lined up next to her mom in the Musalla, trying to keep from crying again. She had been crying off and on ever since Abdullah had called her, she hadn't been able to drive home for a good hour as her eyes were too blurry.

"Allahu Akbar!"

As they began to pray, Hana closed her eyes, praying hard for Umm Abdullah, for all those who had passed away, for herself, for the Ummah, and when they finally said salaam, she was in hysterics again, crying on her mother's shoulder.

She spent the rest of the day cooking with her mom, and after delivering about a week's worth of food for Abdullah and his dad, they went to the Masjid for prayer and to give condolences. Almost everyone was there from the community, which just proved how loved Umm Abdullah had been.

"How are you holding up?" Ilham asked putting an arm around Hana, and she shrugged. She had felt like she had really gotten to know the woman with all the time she spent at the hospital with her, and had come to love her. She stole another glance at where Abdullah and his dad were standing, and she felt her heart constrict as Abdullah turned away to dab at his eyes. After he had called her to tell her about his mom, he thanked her for everything she had done. She wondered if she should feel guilty for not staying with him. But they barely talked to begin with, so it's not like they had formed a relationship. It was all about his mom.

The rest of her family now knew that it was not for real. Ilham had asked her if she was going to be on the receiving line for the condolences, and it had all come out that the engagement was fake for his mother's sake, and no one save for their families even knew about it. To say her sister and brother had been shocked was an understatement,

"Do you think you can come give your condolences?" Hisham asked gently as he put an arm around Ilham's waist, and Hana nodded, wiping at her eyes.

"I think so."

"Let's go." He said, and she followed Hisham, Ilham, and her parents to where Abdullah and his dad were standing.

"Inna lillahi wa inna illahi rajioon." She said softly as she came in front of Abu Abdullah, and he smiled at her.

"Barak Allahu Feeki habibti Hana. Allah truly blessed us by bringing you into our lives, and we will forever be in your debt for what you did for us."

Hana shook her head.

"No, please I didn't do anything. It was my pleasure."

He smiled at her.

"May Allah swt bring you untold happiness."

"Thank you Amu." She whispered, her eyes tearing up, and as she stepped to the side to allow her dad to give his sympathies, she found herself in front of Abdullah.

"Salaam Abdullah." She said softly, and when he looked up at her, his eyes red rimmed, she almost lost it.

"Salaam Hana." He attempted a smile.

"I'm so sorry. May Allah swt widen her grave, fill it with light, and forgive her sins. May he give you and your dad and the rest of your family patience, and reward you a reward beyond anything we can comprehend, and may he reunite all of you together in the highest of Paradise, in the company of Rasul Allah."

Abdullah swallowed hard, before wiping at his eyes.

"Ameen. Ameen ya Rabb."

Please let me know if you need anything. Anything at all." She said, wrapping her arms around herself, and he nodded.

"Barak Allahu Feeki. Thank you for all that you did. I know it meant the world to her, and may Allah swt reward you greatly."

"Please don't thank me. It was my pleasure to do anything I could."

He nodded, before looking slightly behind her. She turned around to follow where he was looking, her gaze falling on Houssam. His eyes flickered momentarily over her, before he reached out to hug Abdullah.

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon. May Allah swt bless her, and take her to Jannah with no accountability."

Abdulllah nodded, his eyes tearing up again.

"JazakllahuKhairan Houssam." He cleared his throat. "Hana, I have something for you." He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small envelope, and handing it to her.

"What is this?" she asked, and he gestured towards her.

"Look at it yourself."

She tore open the seal, and as a delicate gold bracelet slid into her palm, her eyes widened, and she gasped.

"Oh Abdullah! This is for me!?" she exclaimed in disbelief, and he nodded.


"I can't accept this." She whispered. It was the only piece of jewelry she had seen Abdullah's mom wear other than her wedding ring, and she couldn't take such a sentimental thing.

"Yes you can. Mama specifically left it to you."

"Oh Abdullah." She said again, before the tears started to fall on her cheeks, and as she looked up at him, she saw he was crying too. "I can't take this. She was giving this to me as your fiancée, and that's not what I am." She whispered, and he smiled.

"She was giving this to you as Hana. The sweet kind girl that she loved and adored, and who helped to make what was left of her life as amazing as possible. Baba and I both agreed that you should have it." He glanced over at Houssam. "If that's okay with you of course."

Houssam quickly nodded.

"Of course."

Hana gave him a teary smile, before clasping the bracelet around her wrist, trying to control a sob as she glanced at it.

"And here is this back." She said pulling off her ring, and he smiled, shaking his head, and putting his hands in his pockets.

"Please keep it. It suits you. And hey, now Houssam has to step up his game with the one from him." Abdullah teased, and both Hana and Houssam laughed. "Take care of her man. She's a gem." Abdullah said with a smile, and Hana choked back another sob as Houssam looked at her.

"That she is." He said quietly, and he had hugged Abdullah again, before they stepped off to the side, watching.

"Our fighting seems pretty insignificant compared to other things that are going on." Houssam said softly, and Hana nodded.

"It does. Alhamdulillah we have our health, and our families." She sighed. "Do you think we keep fighting and causing problems between us because we aren't ready to get married?"

He was quiet as he rocked on his heels, before he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"It's possible."

She turned to look up at him.

"Do you still think we need to talk it out?"

"I do."

"Hisham said tomorrow after Maghrib works. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes InshaAllah."

As she glanced back at Abdullah, she turned her face towards the ceiling as her eyes began to fill with tears.

"You okay?" he whispered, and she nodded.

"I'm just having a hard time with this is all."

"That's perfectly understandable. It will take some time."

She nodded, wrapping her sweater tighter around herself.

"I'll just have to wait."

"I'll wait with you."

Twice Upon Qadr - A Shot At Love **EDITING** Where stories live. Discover now