Chapter 57

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Dear readers. I don’t usually reply to hate and negative comments (Alhamdulillah I have been blessed not to receive too many), but I have gotten a few recently, and noticed some on other stories I have been reading, and I have to comment. I write my stories, for me, and I know my other friends on Wattpad do too. If someone else can benefit Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. But ultimately, it’s my outlet, its my way to get out my feelings and thoughts and emotions. So when you so carelessly comment and say the first thing that pops into your head without thinking about it, it does have an effect on people. Especially those who try their hardest to perfect their writing for YOUR reading pleasure! I won’t go any further into this because I feel it is a waste of my time to get angry over people who don’t have consideration, but I will say this. To each their own. You don’t like the story, don’t read it instead of saying hurtful remarks. :) It’s very simple!

Thank you to all of my readers who know that there is a difference between being helpful, and just plain mean <3 As the book is coming to an end soon, I hope I still have my loyal and amazing readers stick with me through the rest of it, and into the third one! (Can anyone guess who the third one is about?!)

Stay awesome!

Yusra looked up from the little bundle in her arms as her hospital room door opened, and as her family trickled into the room, she beamed at them.

“Mama!” Kareem exclaimed practically propelling himself out of Amir’s arms. However as he spotted the little face peeking out from the blanket, he came to a halt, before burying his face in his father’s neck and staring at his mother suspiciously.

“Salaam everyone!” Yusra exclaimed, and suddenly they were all swarming her, kissing and hugging her and the baby. Her mom was the first one to take him out of her arms, and she took the opportunity to pull Kareem onto the bed with her, hugging him tightly. He immediately snuggled into her chest, eyeing the bundle wrapped in the blue blanket that was being passed around the room.

“Yusra! You’re a hero! Almost twenty four hours! How do you feel?!” Ilham exclaimed, kissing her cousin on her cheek, and Yusra gave a weak laugh, brushing her older son’s hair away from his face.

“Exhausted,” she admitted with a large yawn, and her dad came to put his arm around her.

“Shall we leave you to sleep?” he asked worriedly, and she shook her head.

“No, stay for a little bit.” She pleaded, but suddenly her father had lost interest in talking to her for he was too busy taking his new grandson from his wife.

“Amir! He looks just like you!” Ilham squealed as her Uncle handed her the baby a few minutes later, and Yusra laughed.

“Just my luck! All this labor and he looks nothing like me!”

Amir laughed, and sat down next to his wife, pausing to place a kiss on her forehead.

“Hey Kareem is your spitting image! Let one look like me!” he joked, and hearing his name, Kareem sat up on his knees, peering anxiously at the new baby.

“Baby?” he asked pointing, and Yusra nodded.

“Yes that’s right Kareem!”

“My baby?” Kareem asked pointing at himself, and everyone laughed.

“He’s your baby brother.” Amir said, and Kareem’s eyes widened before he grinned.

“He’s a nice baby?”

It came out as a question, and as everyone laughed again, Yusra looked around the room.

“Where is Houssam? And Hana? I wanted to wait until everyone was here before we officially introduced him!”

Twice Upon Qadr - A Shot At Love **EDITING** Where stories live. Discover now